Chapter Nine: Court is Now in Session

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The court room was surrounded by people who were a balcony above where Mephisto, Annahime, and Sir Arthur were standing. There were cream columns connecting the balcony's bottom to the floor along with a circle ceiling. The walls were red with many designs on them like the ceiling.

"Annahime Lyn, come to the stand." The Judge of the Vatican said as Annahime walked to the stand. She took off her hood and looked up at the judge, and agreed all the terms they said.

"Miss Lyn, what exactly happened when you came to the Tokyo with Carcer Miles?" One of the top Vatican's asked her.

"I came here with Carcer because he said that he had something that he had to finish. I did not know what he meant until I got my memories back." She replied as another Vatican spoke. "What do you mean by memories? How did you lose them?"

"Carcer wiped my memory clean of 13 years, and I don't know how he did it. I regained my memories because of Sir Pheles and Rin Okumura." Annahime answered the other Vatican.

"The son of the devil?! How did he help?" The girl Vatican asked as Annahime answered.

"Rin helped me by being a friend why else would I say that?" The three Vaticans were amazed at her response.

"Why call the son of Satan your friend are you not a where of what he is?" One of them said.

"No I am not afraid, and yes I know he is one of many sons. Why are you so fearful of just one?" Annahime asked them as the Paladin spoke.

"They are not afraid of that monstrosity!"

"Isn't it stated in I quote; love others as you love yourself?" Annahime said turning to the Paladin, "Also, not be wrathful or have rage?"

She said turning back around.

"Yes it does state that in the Bible, but if that boy becomes a problem then he must be eradicated!" the girl Vatican said as Annahime said loudly so everyone could hear here, "Let he who has no sin throw the first stone! Now I ask you what makes you in charge of killing a child!?" Mephisto looked at Annahime in shock at the words she said.

"What makes you the right to question on who we should and should not kill!?" One of the Vatican asked her raising his voice and standing up.

"Who said that EVERY life is precious?! Who said that you DO NOT kill the innocent?! EVERY LIFE IS WORTH LIVING NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE FROM!" Annahime said loudly staring with her bold deep blue eyes right at the Judge and all the Vaticans. "Why do you say all of this? How do you know that every life is worth living? What makes you say that this world is wonderful and easy?"

"I did not say it was wonderful or easy. My reason for saying that every life is worth it is because of the stories and lessons you learn from them! Would you learn anything from winning every victory? That answer is no Sir's and Ma'am's. You learn from losing and loss and suffering." Annahime explained.

"How have you suffered unlike all of us here?" The Paladin asked her. Annahime took in a deep breath and let it out.

"I have no idea what any of you have gone through except the one who took me in. I know what it feels like after Carcer took me away, to be scared for your life for three years, it's not easy wondering if the person next to you in a chamber will be there when they are taken by force, and it is not easy watching everyone who you do and do not know being slaughtered right in front of you. But do you know what? The one thing that got me through all of that hell was my faith and hope that one person taught me!" She said with her voice confident and steady.

The room went silent as soon as Annahime finished. One of the Vaticans spoke with a calmer voice, "Miss Lyn what are you going to do now that you have nowhere to go?"

"I was hoping to finish my high school here and become an exorcist, if you would allow me." Annahime replied.

"If you could allow me to speak for a moment, please?" Mephisto asked as the Vaticans granted him permission. "As I recall Annahime Kimi Lyn was in my care before all of this, so why not put her back into my care as her guardian?" he said as Annahime looked at him.

"Yes that is correct Sir Pheles, but are you able to handle three in your care?" The female Vatican asked him.

"Yes I am able to, so please as I request her being put back in my care." Mephisto answered.

"Access granted, Sir Pheles will be the guardian of Annahime, and she will continue her studies here at the Japan branch if True Cross Academy." The Vaticans all said as the judge hit his hammer in the stand.

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