Chapter Ten: Back Home

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Annahime walked out of the court room with Mephisto down the long top bridge. Mephisto held out his hand beside Annahime, "I think I will need that key back Annie." He said as she handed the key to him.

"Why did you leave this key on the ground?" She asked Mephisto as he put the key back on his many key rings.

"Well, for someone to find the key of course." He replied with a smile opening the door. "This should be familiar surroundings for you." Mephisto said as he walked inside a room.

"It's my old room." Annahime said walking into the room.

The walls were a light baby blue color, with a twin bed on one wall, and night stands on both sides. Across on the other side of the room to the left of the bed was a maple wooden desk, with a bookshelf on the top of it, and a matching chair. Annahime sat down on the bed, as Mephisto leaned against the wall to the opening of the door.

"Brings back memories doesn't it?" Mephisto said as Annahime looked in a dower. "Yeah it does." Annahime said smiling as she got out her old sketchbook.

"You haven't changed anything at all in here." She said while flipping through the pages of her book. Annahime stopped at one page then flipped to the next. A sudden strange expression came upon her face as if she had seen an unsettling sight.

"What is it Annahime?" Mephisto said sitting next to her on the edge of the bed. "I drew these pictures before Carcer took me away right? But this is the place where..." Annahime didn't finish what she had started to say.

"Yes you did, you said you had had a nightmare that night. I asked you to draw out what you saw and it was this." Mephisto replied looking with her at the sketches. "I saw something on the wall there but it looked like it was something, something I had seen before."

Annahime shot up from the bed startling Mephisto. "Annahime what is it?" Mephisto asked as she turned around.

"I might know what Carcer is plotting, but I need to go to the library to make sure first." Annahime said as Mephisto handed her a key, "Alright, but on second thought I will tag along." He replied.

"Okay." Annahime replied opening the door and walking into the library.

The library was a very large place with four floors and each filled with rows and rows of books. There were spiral stairs to get on each floor, and desks for working and researching things. "This is the library wasn't it two floors?" Annahime asked looking around.

"Yes it used to be two floors, but I had to add on for all the books that were donated here." Mephisto replied, "Now what books are you looking for to figure this out?" he asked looking around the room as well.

"History on all that has happened since the establishment of this academy, records of bad outbreaks that have happened here and elsewhere in Europe, and a map if Japan, Germany, England, France, Italy, China, and Russia." Annahime answered listing them off.

"Alright then that should be on the top floor, but that is restricted." Mephisto said looking up at the fourth floor. "You must be on to something aren't you?" He asked Annahime turning to her. "I think so, buy it's just a theory on what his next move could be at." She said with confidence. "Alright you wait at the table over there where that computer is I will be back shortly.

Mephisto came back with the books and maps on which Annahime had asked to see and put them on the table. Annahime was looking up something on the computer and writing things down in a journal. "Here they are." Mephisto said sitting down in the chair beside her. "Thanks." Annahime said opening one of the history books.

It was night time now and the library was about to close as Annahime was still writing down and then she noticed something in the record book. She got out the other books and flipped to where a matching page on one subject on all of them. "Wait a riddle...that could be it!" she said with enthusiasm. She wrote what the riddle was down and then looked at back at the things she had written down beforehand. "What could be it?" Mephisto said walking up looking at the pages she had opened up to.

Annahime closed all the books and turned off the computer. "What's the one riddle no one could answer?" she asked Mephisto. "That would be the fool's riddle as I recall it." He answered as she stood up pushing her chair in, and picking up her journal. Mephisto snapped his fingers and the books went back on the shelves. "Could you have figured it out?" He asked her. "Maybe, Maybe not, but it might lead to where Carcer is about to move to." She said holding out a pan flit she had printed off.

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