Chapter Fifteen: Past (Part 2)

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Mephisto walked outside to the night sky in order to answer his phone. Now who is it this time? Mephisto wondered as the voice came on the other end.

"Sir Pheles I presume?" Her tone was stiff and firm.

"Yes, you have reached me. Is something the matter?" Mephisto asked looking up at sky.

"The child you have taken in has a shall I say "special" gift." She started, "What is your point?" Mephisto said sternly wanting to waste any time.

"We would gladly take her off of your hands for a price." The woman finished and Sir Pheles laughed harshly.

"Not a chance! If you even think of getting her or any child, student, or person in True Cross Academy you will have a slim chance. Also, it would be a shame for a woman with a voice of an angel to not be able to speak." Mephisto finished hanging up on the woman.

"That is the third time this week...I am really getting tired of their calls." He said walking back into his home.

A scream was heard coming from Annahime's room. Mephisto heard the cry as his sudden emotion of fright swept in. Running to her door he jerked it open.

"Annahime!" He yelled turning on the lights and rushing to her bedside. He put his hand on her cheek and looked at her. "What happened?" He asked. "Who was here?"

"B-bad man!" Annahime said with tears down her cheeks and gripping his hand. Mephisto looked around and saw and sensed nothing.

"Annahime where is he?" He asked an she pointed to the closet.

Mephisto started to get up but Annahime gripped his hand. "D-don't go!" She said looking up at him.

"It is my job to protect you and so I shall." He replies to her as she loosens her grip.

Mephisto walks to the closet door and opens it quickly. Annahime shields herself by putting the covers over her face. A stuffed animal falls out and he picks it up.

"Is this him?" Mephisto asks as she looks up from the covers.

She looks around the room with the lights being on as Mephisto walks toward her. He sits down on her bed and she nods rubbing her face.

"It's alright don't cry anymore." Mephisto says poofing up a tissue box. He gets a tissue and wipes her face gently as she nods again. "Will you be alright now or do I need to stay with you?" He asks and Annahime hugs him. He smiles and hugs her back.

"Stay with me please." She says barring her face in him. "Alright scoot over." He says getting a book.

Annahime movies and Mephisto sits one side of the bed. As Mephisto opens the book he moves his arm so Annahime could get close. Annahime was on his lap as he began to read the story.

"The wolf sai-" Mephisto paused noticing Anna asleep. He smiled slightly again, put the book down, and holding the sleeping child in his arms.

I may be getting attached to this child. Mephisto thought drifting off to sleep.

The morning came with birds chirping as Mephisto woke up. He looked down and Annahime was still asleep on him. He got up carrying her in his arms as she woke up.

"Morning Anna." He says calmly as she rubs her eyes.

"Mronmim..." Annahime say putting her head back on Mephisto's shoulder.

He unlocked the door and walked into his office. He sat down with Annahime still in his arms.

"Well well looks like you sir are a natural dad after all." James chuckled walking in.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Mephisto replied getting out a Crayons and a coloring book for Annahime.

"Say you two had breakfast yet?" James asked raising his eyebrow.

"Pancakes?" Annahime said looking up at Mephisto.

Mephisto looked back at her, "Pancakes? Well I guess breakfast is served and paid by you James." Mephisto said putting Annahime on the floor.

Annahime jumped up with joy and gripped his hand, "Yay!" she exclaimed smiling.

"I think I have enough after all I do owe this clown a meal." James said opening the door.

Annahime looked up at Mephisto as James chuckled again. "Some pastor that's all I have to say." Mephisto said walking out holding Annahime's little hand.

The three arrived at the pancake house entered, were seated, and were handed menus. Annahime was saying nothing but pancakes in a joyful tone. James and Mephisto had a casual conversation when the waiter came to take their order. They ordered their meals and drinks and the waiter left. Another man entered the building and Annahime gripped Mephisto's sleeve.

"Anna?" Mephisto asked, "What is it?" looks at her concerned.

"...I don't like that man..." She spoke softly and Mephisto shot his eyes at James.

"Well now...she is right on one thing." James said softly. "This is a very bad man."

"The one from before?" Mephisto whispered before taking a sip of his tea.

James nods as Mephisto and the man's eyes glare at each other as he passes their table.

"This is getting old." James said with a sigh.

"Indeed it is." The man said swinging out his blade slicing James, Mephisto, an Annahime's table in two.

Mephisto grabbed Annahime into his arms and ran out of the building as James dodged the man's weapon.

James ran outside only to be followed he got out his cross and started saying incantations. Mephisto still holding Annahime in his arms was fighting off demons left and right with his umbrella. Father Fujimoto and Exorcists were also running to the scene. Mephisto and James had manage to lead the man away from the people and into a giant flat area.

"Mephisto!" Fujimoto yelled running up to him.

"Fujimoto I need a favor to ask of you." Mephisto says a they both kick a demon away in sync.

"Yeah? And why ask at a time like this for a favor?" Father Fujimoto answered.

"Take Annahime and make sure they cannot find her." Mephisto said sternly.

"What?" Annahime says looking up at him.

"They are after her again?" He says while shooting a demon.

"Yes." Mephisto replied whacking a demon in the head

"Alright." Fujimoto said as Mephisto handed Annahime to him.

"Wait no!" Annahime said as Father Fujimoto started running.

"MEPHY!" Her voice echoed in the air, and Mephisto clenched his fists hearing her cry.

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