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Two Thousand Years Ago

Sardina, Greece


When morning comes, I dread getting out of bed. After what happened last night, I knew there would be a talk with my father. The result would mean more strict rules which would probably include more guards and less time to myself. I let out a long sigh. I should be grateful with more protection. That my father cares about my well being but... I am not. The only time I have to myself is at night... Well, lately I haven't had any time to myself. Although, I was starting to not mind the stranger who appeared in my room the last three nights. Strange right?

After getting ready for the day, I head to the dining hall. It is empty when I arrive and I sigh. My sisters probably knew to eat in their rooms and my mother is probably with my father in his study. I already knew the discussion they are having in there and soon, a servant would probably come to speak to me.

I look at the food on the table, not feeling hungry anymore. So, instead of eating I make my way to his study. Two guards follow behind me the entire way there, trailing a bit further behind me then usual. When I arrive, I knock on the door. A part of me hopes they aren't really in there and I can go about my day like nothing happened but I know that isn't the case.

"You may enter." My father calls out.

I slowly open the door, giving both my parents a weak smile. The head of the guards and a few other generals joined them sitting around the circular table. I walk to take my seat beside my father. All eyes were on me. Some felt guilty, others of concern. I did not have to look at them to know what they were thinking.

"What happened last night?" My father asks.

I choke up slightly as I remember what that guard did.

"The guard pushed me into my room and attempted to have his way with me. I pulled out my d-dagger and he ran off." I lie. How could one tell when I lie? My stutter.

"The guard mentioned that there was another man in your room. Is that correct?" One of the generals spoke up. I turn to face him.

"No. There was no one in my room during this incident beside me and the guard." I say, speaking slow so I do not stutter.

"Why would he lie?" Another general spoke up.

"Maybe it is because it is embarrassing for a woman to out strength a male." I glare at the general. I disliked it when they didn't take my word. Yes, I was lying now but the other conversations we have had in this room, I have always been correct.

They all stay silent for a moment. Considering this thought.

"Psyche, we have some new.. Protocols." My father breaks the silence.

"What are they, Pater?"

"You will have at least two guards with you at all times and you will not be allowed to be alone at any time of the day."

I stand from my chair, enraged by the news. They think they can take this small bit of freedom from me? No. I was not going to allow this.

"I understand you want to protect me but I do not agree with this."

"Psyche. These rules are for the best."

"They are NOT!" I yell.

"Then what do you suggest?" My father says tiredly.

I let out a breath, taking a seat in my chair. I continue to sit tall even though I want to curl into a tiny ball. My father trusts my opinions and although I wanted things a certain way... was it the best way? I consider my options before I open my mouth to speak.

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