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Two Thousand Years Ago

Sardina, Greece


I skip down the hallways, heading to the dining hall for breakfast. Humming a tune and playing with a strand of my hair like a crazy girl in love. Well.. I guess I am a crazy girl in love. I have never been in love before but the way my heart beats when he is around. It was something I never felt before. He made me feel things I have never felt before. Ba-Dum. Could it be night already? I already missed his warm embrace.

Entering the dining hall, I take my usual seat. My sisters have already eaten and left, leaving my plate and my mothers. I fill my plate up, taking a bite of an apple when my mother walks in. She takes her seat, eyeing me carefully. I realize it might be a little strange for her. Last night when she knocked on my door... well I did not answer, obviously a mess. Now I am dancing happily in my seat, giving her a big smile.

"You seem oddly happy." She says. Straight to the point.

"Am I not allowed to be happy?" I ask her.

"Of course you are. After last night though. I am surprised." She takes a bite of some eggs.

"Huh. Strange..." I strug, stuffing my mouth full. "Well, I shall be off. I have suitors to meet.

My mother raises her hand, motioning me to sit. "There will be no suitors today."

I frown, "No?"

"I have decided that there is no point in wasting your day when your father is off to find out who you are destined to marry. When he returns, we know who you will marry."

My heart sinks into my chest slightly. Would that mean he would not see him? I shake my head. Thinking positively, Psyche. The Oracle may tell Father I am destined to marry him. I smile brightly at the thought.

"I understand mother. May I go to the library?" I ask her.

She looks at me, confused. My reaction is probably not what she expected. "Yes..."

I stand from the table, curtsying to my mother. Heading out of the dining hall, I don't even mind the guards following me. Nothing can sour my mood. I only hope the day goes by quickly so I can see him. My future husband.

The evening comes by slowly though. Even though I try to pass time by reading stories, I seem to only read one sentence over and over again. The words didn't even process through my mind as I 'read'.

The guards and I walk towards my room. They are practically running to catch up with me. I can't help that I am so excited. As soon as I make it to my door, I turn to face them.

"Thank you for escorting me back to my room. You may go." I say.

The guards look at each other then back at me.

"Princess, the Queen has ordered us to stay outside your room until morning."

I hold back the urge to scream 'what?' at them. Why would my mother order this? Is it because of my strange behavior? I sigh. This is smart of her but I do not appreciate it.

"I will speak to her in the morning. Please. I need my privacy." I say.

They look at each other again, sighing. The two guards with me now have been with me since I was a child. They knew how much I valued my time alone.

"You will say nothing to the Queen about this?" The older one, Augustus, asks.

I zip my lips.

They both smile at me and I smile back. I watch as they walk away before heading into my room. Locking the door, I rush over to my mirror. He could be here at any moment and I wanted to look good. I head behind the partition, slipping off my toga and putting on a night gown.

"Might as well forget the nightgown, Princissika. You won't be wearing it long." I hear him growl.

I jump slightly, instantly smiling at the sound of his voice. I turn around, running over to him and jumping into his arms. He catches me, twirling me in his arms.

"I have missed you!" I say

He laughs. "And I you. What would my Princissika do without me?"

My hopefully future husband puts me back down on the ground.

"I would be oh so lonely." I say, my eyes sparkling with happiness.

He kisses me, laughing. I have decided that his laugh is one of my favourite sounds in the world.

"How many foolish mortals tried to steal you away from me today?" He asks.

I rub my nose against his. "There were none today."

"None?! That doesn't seem right..."

"My mother said there were to be no suitors until my father comes home."

"Good." He says. "So, I have you all to myself till... Where did he go? I need to know how long before I can finally have you as my own."

I chew my lip, looking away from him. I didn't exactly want to tell him where my father went. The fact that my father had to go to find out who I was destined to marry, it was a scary thing. I didn't want to scare him off, even though I doubt he would be scared.

"Oh... He went out."

He grabs my chin with his index finger and my thumb, turning my face to look at him. "What are you not telling me?"

I chew my lip harder until it bleeds, tasting iron on my tongue. "I do not know what you mean. I told you my father has gone on a trip."

Which was the truth. He never asked where he went... Well he didn't ask the first time I mentioned it. Now I was deflecting, hoping he would move on from this conversation. His grip tightens on my chin and I realize I am not getting out of this one.

"I will not abide lies, Princissika." He growls.

I stay silent for a few minutes. "He went to speak to... Delphi."

"What? Why?"

"H-he wants to know w-who I'm destined to marry..." I stutter, already regretting telling him the truth.

"No, no..." His hand drops from me, moving away. He starts to pace back in forth in my room. "And he went to Delphi? No, no."

My heart sinks into my chest. "W-was he not supposed to?"

"Fuck! Any other Oracle I could have..." He ignores my question. "When did he leave?"

"Two days ago..." I say, my voice catching in my throat.

He pauses, turning to me. "That's why you were crying that night, wasn't it? How long will it take for him to get there?"

I nod, looking down at the floor. "He will arrive tomorrow."

"No, no, no...." He says. "I have to go."

He looks back at me, slamming his lips against mine. The moment is too short and I feel tears rolling down my cheek.

"Will I see you again?" I ask him.

He kisses me even harder, not answering my question. The kiss lasts only seconds before he breaks away, running to the window. I watch as he jumps out into the night and I can feel my heart break once more. Collapsing on the floor I sob, praying to the gods above that I will get to see him one more time.

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