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Two Thousand Years Ago

Olympus, Greece


Eros. What happened to him? Was... was he going to die? How long does he have left? Aphrodite leaves me in a puddle of questions that will not be answered until I complete the task. I have to hurry. Although, I don't know what to do next. Persephone is still in the underworld and no mortal has ever gotten down there, alive. The winds have been missing since Aphrodite figured out they were assisting me.

I make my way out of the temple, chewing my bottom lip. My mind feels foggy from exhaustion as I try to think of where to go first. I try to think of all the myths. There has to be at least one mortal who has been to the underworld without dying. I huff in frustration when nothing comes to me. Usually my memory of myths and historic events is crystal clear but today, everything is buzzed.

Suddenly, my attention is drawn to a man who is walking to Hera's temple. Eros? The man is the same build as my husband. Taller than the average mortal, shorter curly hair. The image of Eros in the light has faded from my memory but something is pulling me towards this man. Although his shoulders are tense. Actually, his entire body is. Like there is something inside him that needs to get out. Hate. He didn't have this tension before but still I need to see for myself. Is this just my imagination or is it really him? I chase after the man.

"Eros?" I call out, touching the man's arm.

The man turns around, snarling. His eyes pitch black as he glares at me, "You dare touch me?"

Instantly, I back away from him. Fear clogging my throat. He looks a lot like Eros but darker, scarier. I have made a mistake by speaking to him. Clutching the jewelry box close to my chest, I stutter. "I-I'm sorry, I-I thought you were-"

The man's eyes drop to the box, flickering. "That's a divine object. Did you steal it?"

I shake my head. "N-No!"

He reaches forward, grabbing my forearm roughly. "Where did you get it?"

Struggling in his grip, I hold the box closer to my chest. There is no way I am losing this item. This is my only chance to see him again. "Aphrodite... She wants me to complete a task."

The man's body tenses, gritting his teeth. "Explain. Now."

"A-Aphrodite has been assigning me. I must complete them if I want to see my hus-" I cut myself off. "-Eros."

The man looks me up and down. A shiver runs down my spine as he does this. He is examining me. Is he trying to figure out who I am? He must know the gods. For all I know, he could be a god. He didn't seem surprised when I told him the story and he recognized the divine object. A hiss of air escapes his lips. "You're... You're her aren't you?"

"I am." I nod. The gods must know what is going on. Yet, only a few have helped me on my journey. Do they also think I am not worthy enough to speak to Eros?

"What is the task?" He asks, letting go of my arm.

"I must visit Persephone and ask her to place a piece of her beauty inside." I sigh, looking away from the man. My nose scrunches as I think out loud. "Although to get to the underworld... the only way for a mortal to get there is to..."

I can't finish my sentence. To get to him, I am going to have to sacrifice myself but then... We can never be with each other.

"I can take you there. Without dying." The man smirks. A cruel imitation of Eros's and yet, I am not afraid. Hope lifts my spirits. Maybe this will work.

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