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Two Thousand Years Ago

Sardina, Greece


The entire evening I stay locked up in my room. My maids bring me some food but I only poke at it as I think of other things. The day was like any other day. I met with suitors, awkwardly sat with my family, and spent time in the library. Those events aren't what was playing through my mind over and over again. It was last night. He... he left and I honestly did not think he was going to come back. I probably scared him off with the idea. I mean, what woman asks a man to propose to them?

There is a soft knock at my door and I bury my face into my knees. It was only of my family members, by the sound of the knock most likely my mother. She was staring at me all morning and I knew she was concerned about me. I was hoping she wouldn't come speak to me.

"Psyche, May I come in?" She asks. I turn my head away from the door and look at the window. I opened the curtains and to be honest, I found myself looking at the window way too much. I was waiting for him and the longer he was away, the more my heart broke.

"Psyche, I know you are awake." My mother calls out. Ignore her once more. What would I tell her? Oh mother, I am just waiting for this man, I am slowly starting to fall for, to come through my window. Bad idea. The guards would have to be stationed in my room then.

I hear a long sigh come from the other side from the door. "When you are ready to talk, I am here, Kori."

A few seconds after she says that, I hear her flats echo in the hallway. One tear drop rolls down my cheek as I settle in my bed. He really wasn't coming. The man would have been here by now. The sun had sunken at least an hour ago... I tuck myself in, closing my eyes. Please come back...

	I shift in my sleep as someone moves a strand of hair from my face

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I shift in my sleep as someone moves a strand of hair from my face. My heart does a little flutter and I open my eyes.

"I'm sorry about last night." It's him. His voice. A bright smile appears on my face.

"You came back." I whisper.

"I couldn't stay away." He says, leaning over and kissing me softly. This is all I wanted. I wanted him to be here with me. His touch. His kiss. His comfort. But I had one question on my mind that I needed to know.

"Did you consider what I had to say?" I ask him.

He lays down beside me, pulling me into his arms. "There's things you need to know. Before I speak to him."

"What is it?"

"There's so much I don't know where to start." He kisses me again.

I feel a little excited. There was so much I wanted to know about him. Who he is... What he does... I kiss him back. "Tell me."

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