Goodbye Home, Hello Central

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Katherine's POV

"Help me. Please!" a small kid begged. He had golden hair and eyes. His golden hair was tied up in a loose braid. He was bleeding excessively and his eyes were a dying pool of hope. I reached out for him, trying to save him. His hand gripped mine. I pulled with as much strength as I could muster. Sweat was building up on his hands. He started to slide. I pulled and pulled. His hand slipped-

I sat up, panting. This stupid golden kid keeps bombing my dreams. And I keep trying to save him! My hair was tangled. My face was pale. My eyes had stained my face with annoying tears. My hair was matted down with sweat. Ugh.

"Kat!" Izumi called from downstairs. Izumi Curtis is a housewife as she so weirdly says. She's also an accomplished alchemist, but she hates the military. Like hate is putting it nicely. Anyways, Izumi and her husband Sig have given me a home for more than a year, when they found me stranded. Izumi always talks about these 2 boys she used to teach. Apparently the older one was my age. They sound nice, but a bit wimp-y.

"Comiiinnnnggg." I replied as I got ready.

I brushed my hair, splashed my face with the cool water and put on my usual clothes - black tube top, hoodie and leggings. My pajamas - a t-shirt and shorts - lay crumpled on the bed.

"Hey Kat." Sig grunted.

I beamed at Sig and greeted him. He smiled back and went back to reading his newspaper.

"Finally, you take so long Kat." Izumi complained. 

I laughed and sat down at the table. Izumi gave me a glass of milk and her favourite breakfast. I cringed at the milk, but devoured the rest of food. 

"Thanks Izumi."

She frowned down at me. "Kat, you need to drink your milk!"

"But, it's so bleh!" I shuddered at the mere thought of that disgusting white liquid.

Izumi stared at me in disbelief. This happened... a lot. Well, more like everyday.

"You love vegetable stew though. That has milk in it." She put emphasis on the love.

"She has a point Katherine." Sig commented. I looked at him, narrowing my eyes, annoyed that he wasn't taking my side.

"I know right Izumi! I couldn't believe it had milk too. It's so freaking delicious!" I exaggerated every little bit of my 'speech'.

Sig chuckled. Izumi hugged me tight.

"Do you really have to go Kat? I mean, it's the freaking military! To hell with them. I'm gonna miss you. Who's going to scare off the bandits now?"

"Ha ha. Very funny. We all very well know that you are perfect for that job. But, remember to take it easy on your poor stomach. Okay?"

She nodded and kissed my head. "You're like the daughter I never had. Come back in one piece." Izumi's eyes were glistening with tears. 

I smiled up at her. "You guys are the parents I never had."

I gave Sig a handshake, and before I knew it, he stood up from his seat, lifted me and squeezed me tight. I held back my tears and jumped down after hugging him.


Once we all said our farewells, I lugged my briefcase and headed for the train station. It wasn't too busy. Dublith was a small-ish town. I caught my train and sat down. Looking out the window, I saw all the people struggling to stay in one place.

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