Giving Up, Detachment and Love

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Kat's POV

I need people who won't give up on me. Why are they so hard to find?

                                                                          *           *           * 

Homunculi. An artificial copy of a human being. No soul, just body. I will defeat them. Their stupid plan. Everything. Edward's father. The clone. The Seven Deadly Sins. I need to. My life and countless other count on me. 

Hughes's POV

I headed for Roy's office. I needed to collect some papers.

"'Sup Hughes!" Kat hollered. She was sitting in front of Mustang, a grin on her face. Roy looked weary. He didn't want to say anything to hurt her. She's not easily broken, but he's scared. He was smiling a bit, looking at her worriedly. 

"Hey Kat." I replied, looking at her, grinning. "I have to cancel today."

Mustang raised his eyebrows.

"Oh well, how come?" she asked.

"Some, uh, work came up."

"This late?" She frowned. Roy saw and broke in. "It's okay, you can go with me Kat, you finished all your research paper's anyway. Edward and Alphonse have work to do."

"Uh, yeah okay. Bye Hughes." She came up to me and hugged my waist.

"Hughes, you're the best." Kat whispered. I smiled.

"Bye, see you later!"

My head was filled with a bunch of weird things. I opened the door to Elicia's room.

"Good night baby. Daddy has work to do. I'll see you tomorrow!" Kissing her head, I left and said goodbye to Gracia.

"I'll be backer later tonight okay?" She nodded. I smiled reassuringly.

Transmutation Circles. Homunculus. The Uroborus Tattoo. I rushed to the library. Flipping through the records of '04, a chill ran down my spine. 

"Why hello, Lieutenant Colonel." A calm voice spoke. I turned around.

A woman with black hair and a skimpy dress stood there. She had a red Uroborus mark on her chest. 

"That's one sexy tattoo you got there." I said smirking.

"Why thank you Hughes, I'm Lust. But you don't need to know that." She replied, smiling. "It seems that you've been a naughty boy and went looking through matters that don't concern you."

She came closer to me.

"Oh, really, and what matters would those be?"

"Hmm..." Lust said thoughtfully, scratching the table with her fingers. "Something special."

Her dark nails shot out and one caught my shoulder. I cursed, blinded by the pain. How the hell? They have powers too? Ugh. 

Second Lieutenant Maria Ross came in and shot Lust. She groaned in pain.

"Come on sir!" she shouted. I followed her without hesitating. 

I was about to speak when I noticed her mole wasn't there. Did it fall? Can that even happen? Or is this even Maria? 

Darting into the nearest telephone box, I dialled the number. 

"I need to speak with Roy Mustang!" I spoke urgently. 

"What's your code? We can't let in someone from a public line." the monotone voice replied, unfazed. 

"Damn it. I'm the Lieutenant Colonel! Maes Hughes! This is an emergency!" I yelled. She didn't say anything. The hell? "It's, uh, uncle sugar oliver eight zero zero."

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