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It was lunch break and I sat with Midge, Moose and Reggie down at a table. The boys talked about their football training while Midge and I talked about the cheerleading. "Why don't you go to the cheerleading training anymore?" Moose questioned me. "It's just the situation at the moment. Jason's death, then there is Veronica Lodge on our team and Chery and I are not getting along so well right now." Before we could speak more about the topic I saw how Betty jump up from their table. Archie followed her and catched up with her. Her face are running tears down, she then run further. Archie tried again to catch her but Principal Weatherbee stopped him. "Folks, I'll be right back, I'll have a look after my sister." 

I found Betty on a bench in the back of the school yard. I sat down next to her and took her in my arms. "Everything gonna be okay, Liz!" Liz, that's what I called her when we were younger or when she i scared or sad. After Betty had calmed down, we made our way to the Vixen training.

After Cheryl interrupted our rehearsal to make a phone call, the Vixens sit down on the hall floor and had a drink. Midge and I talked about our homework in history. First I saw Betty and Veronica arguing and then how Betty and Cheryl walked away from Veronica hand in hand. That is interesting. 

After school, Reggie dropped me off at my home. There I quickly locked myself in my room before anyone comes home, turned on my music and changed into cozy clothes. I spent the next few hours reading on Wattpad and listening to music. At some point I got so bored that I started tidying up my closet. Until I suddenly heard Cheryl and Betty in the next room. At first they were friendly to each other until they started arguing. I just rolled my eyes and picked up my phone again. I could still hear the door slam downstairs and Betty shut hers. At some point at the night I fell asleep.


The next morning I got up because of my mother who walked into Betty's room and she was not quietly. I got up and went to my closet, I took a red dress, fishnet tights and a leather jacket. I took my packed backpack and then I quickly grabbed something for breakfast and to drink. Before my mum could see me like that, I put on my boots and took my skateboard. Like most of my grade, I sat in the student lounge. Reggie was speaking about Sheriff Keller who is grilling him and he asked what Moose and Kevin were doing on the Sweetwater River that night. I would also be interested in what the two wanted to do alone at the Sweetwater River at night. "I mean let's think about it. If a kid at Riverdale killed Jason, it's not gonna be a jock, right?" I understood what he was getting at and looked annoyed at him. "Reggie, stop!" He rolled his eyes and rolled up his sleeves. "Let's be honest. Isn't it always some spooky, scrawny, pathetic Internet troll too busy writing manifestos to get laid? Some smug, moody, serial-killer-fanboy freak. Like Jughead. What was it like, Suicide Squad? When you shot Jason? You didn't do stuff to the body, did you? Like, after?" God what's wrong with this boy sometimes. I leaned my head back and exhaled in annoyance. "It's called necrophilia, Reggie. Can you spell it?" Jughead said. Before anyone could do anything, Reggie jumped over the arm of the sofa and wanted to go after Jug, but luckily Archie stopped him. "Hey, shut the hell up, Reggie." Veronika got up too. "Boys." I rolled my eyes, she is really thinking they were listening to her. "What do you care, Andrews?" "Nothing. Just leave him alone." "Holy crap. Did you and Donnie Darko kill him together? Was ist some pervy blood-brotherthing?" "Reggie, shut up!" I yelled. Before anyone could do anything, Reggie and Archie started to fight. Moose and I quickly pulled him away from Archie before Weatherbee shows up. 

I quickly pulled Reggie out of the building and stood for his car. "Keys?" He reluctantly gave me his keys, but he saw that I was annoyed enough already. Fortunately, his parents weren't there. I took out a cold ice-pack for his hands and gave it to him. We sat down together in front of the television in his living room. Me with my head on his chest and he had his arm around me. We didn't move again until we made our way to the Pep rally. When we there Reggie went to the Bulldogs and I went to the Vixen. I changed quickly and went outside with the other Vixen. The stands were filled, the marching music was playing and Vixens and Bulldogs were standing around everywhere. I saw from a distance how Archie and Jug were talking, I hope they finally made up again. It got quieter when Prinicipal Weatherbee started talking.

"To kick of this pep rally I'd like to hand it over to our own Mayor McCoy."

"Thank you Principal Weatherbee. It is heartening to see so many of you here, even in weather like this. But a lack of heart and school spririt has never been the Riverdale way. Tonight's pep rally isn't like any other we've had in the past. And we shouldn't pretend that it is. Which is why I would like to dedicate this evening to the memory of one of our brightest. Jason Blossom. We're withhim tonight. Now, please, join me in welcomimg to the field our very own River Vixens and their special guest stars, my daughter, Josie, and her Pussycats!"

Hey, Shawty you're my candy girl, the kind with the swirls

Oh so good, baby out of this world

Look so sweet, fell in love with your curves

Every time you speak conversation like 'sir'S-u-g-a-r, you ain't her

Oh, honey honey, put money on that girl 

Let's keep it in the circle, you everything I deserve

Baby want your sugar, I'm ready to get servedSugar, oh, honey honey

You are my candy girl, and you got me wanting you, ooh

Honey, oh, sugar sugar

You are my candy girl, and you got me wanting you, ooh

I saw this girl, I wanna know her name 

She gots this body, it's driving me insane

'Cause I need a candy girl (ah)

Her kisses rock my worldLong legs, brown eyes

Ain't your body look fancy girl

Sugar, oh, honey honey

You are my candy girl, and you got me wanting...

Cheryl and Josie hugged on stage after the cheerleading. Coach Clayton took the microphone. "All right, you all ready? Let's make some noise. Put your hands together for the Riverdale Bulldogs!" The crowd clapped. As the Bulldogs ran through the banner, Archie looked like Jason for a moment and I noticed I was about to cry, I saw how Cheryl run to the locker room and Veronica and Betty followed her. I held back my tears and just continued to stand next to the others, even if I wanted to curl up in my bed. After the Pep rally I took my bag and headed for the locker room. I changed quickly and put my Vixen things in my locker. I grabbed my skateboard, put my headphones in and went home alone.

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