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The Coopers: the Stepfords of Riverdale. High-school sweethearts who got married and had three beautiful daughters Polly, Kat und Betty. Until Jason Blossom happened. And now we would hear from the person who was closest to him those day leading up to his disappearance: Polly Cooper. How a casual conversation turned into an epic forbidden romance. How, for reasons still murky, their respective parents tried to tear them apart. How their break-up was short-lived because Polly soon learned she was pregnant with Jason's baby. How they became secretly engaged with his grandmother's blessing and her heirloom ring and made plans to run away together. Starting a new life. And how their dreams of escape went up in flames.

We were sitting in the lodge apartment and Sheriff Keller asked Polly about what had happened. "That was the last day you saw him?" "At Pop's, when he told me the plan. That he was gonna fake his own death and the we would meet up. But before that could happen, my mom and dad sent me away." "One of Jason's teammates said that before he ran away, Jason was dealing drugs." "Making a one-time delivery. He needed- We needed money. To get away and start over." "So Riverdale's star football player becomes a drug mule?" "He went to a bar on the other side of the tracks and made a deal with some biker gang." Thank God, he didn't tell her I was with him, the only problem is the person we got the drugs from is FP. "The serpents?" "He got an adress upstate where he was supposed to deliver the drugs in exchange for cash." "The drugs you both found in Jason's car." We both nodded. "Went up in flames." "Along with everything I had left of Jason including the ring his Nana gave me, which he was keeping until..." I pulled Polly in a hug and tried to calm her down. "Okay, Sheriff, I think that's enough for tonight. I think Polly needs her rest." "Yeah, well, I'll be in touch, ladies." "I'll show you out." "We're gonna get you through this." Betty said to Polly. We all hugged eachother.


I was to late to school again, I forgot to set an alarm clock. I entered the student lounge when I heard Veronica speak to Betty. "This is merely an annoying situation. But luckily, I have been percolating on an idea, hellishly simple in its conception. What if my mom and I were to host a baby shower?" "Count me in." "Count me in too." I said. Betty turned to me. "You're late again." I shrugged my shoulders and sat me on the floor next to Cheryl. "You want to Polly to feel loved and supported. Right?" "Yeah, but ideally by her own parents." "Okay, so baby steps, girl. Get Polly and your parents in the same room, in a public setting where they can't fight and viola, let the healing begin." "Am I expected to come to this thing?" "Of course. You're Betty's boyfriend, so." I laughed about their reaction, god they are so sweet. "Oh, my god, you guys, relax. It's just a word that starts with the letter B. Betty, what do you say?" Before Betty could even answer, our mother was standing in the room. "Elizabeth Cooper." "Mum?" We both asked. "I need you, you and you." She said while pointing at Betty, Veronica and me. "Right now."

"Sheriff Keller told us everything. How you're hiding Polly at The Pembrooke." "Better that in an insane asylum." "Actualy, Mrs. Cooper, that's on me. I was the one who suggested that Polly stay with us." "She's trying to help unlike you and Dad, who want Polly to give the Baby up for adoption." I said to mum. "Kat, it's what best for Polly and the Baby." "Mom, that's not your choice. You choice is whether or not you wanna be a part of Polly's life. Veronica and her mom have offered to host a baby shower." "Well, that is hardly approriate." "Really? Because I think it's an amazing idea. You wanna be loving and supportive, like a normal grandmother, then great. Otherwise, stay away."

It was the next day and today is the baby shower. I was sitting at Pop's with the others, eating something. Jughead told us what happened at the construction site yesterday. Archie came in and walked over to us quickly. "Dude, what the hell? I've been texting you." "Archie, Jughead just told us what happened yesterday." "Though I checked out at the words construction and site." "Moose and I are going to the Southside to find those Serpents. You in?" I choked at my milkshake, is he dumb. "Whoa, hey. You didn't say it was the Serpents who beat Moose up." "Because we don't know that." "Archie, you only know that some guys beat him up, you can't just assume it was the Serpents." I said to him. "Well, it's still worth a shot if it might help my dad. Kevin's boyfriend can get us in." "Get you in where?" Veronica asked. "To some Bar where the Serpents hang out. If Moose spots them, we call Sheriff Keller and get these goons arrested." "Archie, you can't just walk into a bar full of gang members and then call the sheriff." I said. "Kat's right, they are dangerous. They're drugdealers." "What? Say's who?" "Polly. Remember? Trev told us that Jason was dealing drugs? It was for the Serpents." Betty explained. "You heard my dad, Jughead. Clifford Blossom is trying to Torpedo him. Sheriff Keller basically blew him off right in front of us. Somebody need to do something." Archie stand up. "Archie, going into that Bar is a bad idea." "Jughead, are you coming with me or not?" Jughead remained silent. "Thank you for having my back."

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