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It had been a while. Reggie was on the dance floor like Midge and Moose. I was getting something to drink from the counter when Betty appeared next to me. "Have you seen Archie and Veronica?" she asked me. "No, but I can help you find them." I suggested to her. She took my hand and pulled me behind her. Our next port of call was Kev. "Hey Kev. Have you seen Archie and Veronica? Oh, never mind. I see them." We were walking in their direction when we saw Mom talking to them. "What the hell are they talking about?" I asked Betty, she just shrugged her shoulders. Betty was stopped by Mayor McCoy and Principal Weatherbee. I already walked past them towards my mom. I didn't follow her any more, instead I stood aside again. I have no idea what was going on with everyone today. I left the hall to go to the toilet, I really didn't have to listen to Veronica and Archie sing. As I left the bathroom I saw Jughead, Betty, Archie and Veronica arguing. Veronica and Archie seriously broke into FP's trailer. I stood in the doorway and watch them. That wasn't my argument. All of a sudden Kev, mom, Archie's parents and Veronica's mom came around the corner. "No, you have to listen, all of you." Mom said. "My dad just told Mayor McCoy about your dad, Jughead." "What about my dad?" Jughead asked. "He was just arrested. For the murder of Jason Blossom." We were all shocked. Jughead ran out of the school building and we tried to follow him. We split up and searched for him but we didn't find him. So I decided to spend the night at Jug's and mine old hanging out spot. It was clear to me that he would not come here. I got a call from Betty to meet them near Pop's. When I was there the others were standing there already. We were making our way to Pop's when we entered we saw Jug sitting in an area. "Told you." Veronica said. "Jug." Jughead turned his head to the window. Betty sat down next to him while the rest of us stood around. "Jug. We're so sorry. About everything." 

"Juggy, we screwed up. We all did. Breaking into your dad's trailer was wrong but some good came out of it." "Pretty sure my dad was just arrested for murder." I understood why Jug was so pissed, I didn't knew anything about what happened but I don't understand why V and Arch broke into FP's trailer. "That gun wasn't there when we searched his trailer. Someone put it there after we left." You could see on his face that he was shocked. "What are you talking about?"

Together we ran to the station to talk with Sheriff Keller but when we arrived we saw how FP got dragged away by a cop and when we wanted to explain what we found out, he told us that FP just confessed. I never wanted to see Jug so heartbroken again, he looked so lost without his father even if he was never there.

I couldn't understand that FP Jones, the father of my best friend, killed my other best friend in cold blood. FP is a dick an dnot really a good father. But a murderer? I don't think so.


I was laying in my bed to relax a little bit when I heard a weird noise, on the floor I met Betty, together we went downstairs. We looked in shock at our mom, she literally had a gun in her hand. "Just get behind me. Be ready to call 911." Walking the stairs to the Basement was kind of scary, there was standing a man in our basement and I can say I was suprised when we realised it is Dad.

"These are Sheriff Keller's files about the Blossom murder investigation." I was suprised I can say, my dad was the misterious intruder at the Keller house. It was not FP Jones, who confessed that he did it. All of the things that are happening this makes again no sense. 

"I'd like to know why your father is stealing and destroying evidence in a murder investigation."  "Look, I was worried that the investigation would get back to Polly us. And somehow Sheriff Keller would figure out the connection between our family and the Blossoms. He would think there was motive." My father explained to us. "You mean this crazy story you always told us?" I asked him, he told us this story when we were kids. "Your great-grandfather wasn't just murdered by a Blossom. He was a Blossom." That was not what I was expecting. "After the murder our family servered ties with the Blossoms and their name, and we took a new one, Cooper." Polly and Jason are relatives and that finally explains the hatred of my dad towards their relationship. After realising how far the Blossoms would go to keep them apart we jumped up to get Polly out of there.

Mý mom knocked on the door and just walked in when Clifford finally opened the door. "Don't call the cops. We're not staying. Polly?" "What the hell is going on here, Alice? It's the middle of the night." "Oh, sorry to disrupt the witching hour at Thornhill." I tried to hold back my laughter. "Polly, honey, are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Betty, what's going on?" She asked only directed to her. "We're here to bringyou home, Pol." "She's not leaving us." Cheryl said back. "She chose to live here, remember? With a mentally stable family." And again I tried not to laugh. "I know all about your family, Penelope. And the incest." "What? What incest?" Polly asked confused, while Clifords face looks defeated. "Hal's grandfather wasn't just your grandpappy's murder victim. They were brothers. Which made him a Blossom. Just like Hal." My mum tried to explain it to Polly. "So what?" Clifford asked. "So what? So, everything. Starting with FP's confession has a few gaping holes in it." "He's being used by someone with a crazy motive. For example, hiding incest?" She asked Penelope indirectly. "You were disgusted that Jason and Polly were dating because they were related." "Nothing could be more purely Blossom than those babies." Penelope only answered. I looked completely disgusted at her. "What is wrong with you?" I ignored the rest while they were still discussing and just hugged Polly, she looks so devasted. Mum grabbed Polly and me and together we left the Blossom mansion.

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