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I saw Jughead wanting to leave the party when Cheryl and Chuck stopped him. "Listen up, party people! Everyone has their secrets. And we've all done our share of sinning. That's one thing my dear brother's death has revealed. So let's play a little game to get those secrets out in the open." 

"What the hell is 'Secret and Sins'?" Jughead asked curious. "It's a variation on 'Truth or Dare' in which we own our truths by telling it like it is. I'll start the game with Veronica Lodge." "Naturally." 

I stopped listening and got a drink from the kitchen. I've played this game enough times.

I saw FP approach me. "I remember you." I raised my eyebrows questioningly. "You were with us at the White Wyrm with Jason Blossom. Do the cops know that?" Annoyed, I opened the beer. "No, they don't know. And I'm also your son's best friend and by the way, you do a shitty job of taking care." I left him behind and sat down next to Veronica.

I just got there when Chuck called my sister. "Well, I guess it's my turn now. Boy, do I have a twisted secret to reveal, starring Betty Cooper." "Leave her the hell alone, Chuck." Archie said. "Shut up, Andrews. Look, you may get a free peep show every night, but you do not know her. Hell, Betty doesn't even know herself. Everybody knows why I got suspended, but what you didn't know she dressed up like a hooker, in a God-awful black wig, druggedme, handcuffed me in the Jacuzzi and, well, I almost drowned until she got me to say what she wanted to hear. And then she really lost it. She actually thought she was Polly. But, hey, you knew all about this, right, Jughead? " 

Before anyone could say anything about it, Jughead jumped up and punched Chuk in the face. Then Chuck hit back and Jughead fell. FP intervened and kicked Chuck out of the house and everyone else. While Betty was still there, I made my way home. Outside I saw my mother talking to FP. At home I went to my room and lied down in my bed.


I was alone in the city to buying jewelry for my homecoming dress. Once again I did everything on the last minute, after all, it was homecoming tonight. I packed the jewelry I bought in my bag like the shoes and made my way to the hairdresser. There they styled my hair, put my make-up on and painted my fingernails. I paid at the cash register and then made my way to the bus. I unlocked the door as quietly as possible and tried to sneak past the living room. "Katharina!" Shit. "Hey Mum." I said and turned to her. At our dinner table, Jughead and his father sat with Betty. Jughead and Betty grinned at me, they knew exactly that I was going to get in trouble. "Mr.Jones, nice to see you both." My mother looked at me angrily. "Up. Now." I picked up my bags and went up the stairs. Upstairs I put on my dress, a beige-white dress with a floral embroidered top. I put on pearl earrings and a gold heart chain. JJ gave it to me for my 15th birthday. I heard my mother coming up the stairs. She opened my door and just walked in. "Of course just come in." I said ironically. "You can save yourself your sacred and ironic sayings. The school called me, you skipped school for the number of times you don't know how. To buy jewelry. I don't know what I did wrong with you. Your constant truants, your bad grades, your friends, it was best when you arrived and explained to us that the Blossom'boy and you are friends now." I rolled my eyes, grabbed my bag, and went down the stairs. "Katharina, stop, I wasn't finished yet." I heard her exhale in annoyance. "Then please at least sit down at the table. We want to eat." I sat down at the table and took some water. Mum served us the food and then sat down herself. 

"Super delicious, Mrs. C." "Sure is, Alice. Been a long time since I ate something that didn't come in a combo meal or a snack pack." Betty chuckled. "So, FP..." My mum started. "Betty tells me you're working for Fred Andrews now. How do you balance that with all your other responsibilities?" "You mean like being a father." "And being a part of the Southside Community." God, this woman. "Mom." Betty warned her. "You can say Southside Serpent, Alice. I'm not ashamed. It's not just me. There's a bunch of us working on Fred's site." 

"So, if you don't mind me asking I'm just curious how  did you make your living before that?" "I scraped by. Odd jobs." "I know that you worked for the drive-in, Jughead, before it was closed. Did you find work there too, FP?" What the hell is my mom doing. "Dad--" Jughead said. "Well, I hung out a bit. What can I say? I'm a movie buff." Everyone chuckles. "So, tell me were you upset when Hiram Lodge bought the drive-in land?" She continued. "Stuff happens." "Let me rephrase that question. Were you suprised?" Everyone was silent, the silent broke when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." Betty said and stand up. "Hey." It was my dad I heard. When he came in my mom rolled her eyes. 

"You said she wanted me to be here." "Oh, she does. It's homecoming, after all, and our families should be coming together. Right, mom?" My mom stayed still and we all sat down again.

"I'm hoping you have some vacancies down at Sunnyside. See, I've been sleeping at my office down at the paper and it's getting a little chilly at night." Hal asked FP. "Bet your office beats the trailer park." "Oh, ha, ha, I wouldn't be so sure. You see, Alice her, she's been redecorating the Register. Yeah, the other day she threw a brick through the window." FP chuckled. "Is that so?" "Keep talking, Hal, and the next brick I throw may not be at a window." This time I chuckled, I love my family.

"You remember our homecoming, Alice? Hal? Back in the day? Castles in the Clouds? Does Alice ever tell you something about that night?" "Just that she and Dad were king and queen." I chuckled, I remember the story. "Yeah, they were. Of hell." "Dad, please." Jughead asked him. "No, it's a fun story, I promise. Fred and me we were all set to play at the dance. I was backstage dropping off our gear when I heard these voices yelling. It was your mom and dad. They were fighting about..About I don't know what, but it sounded like life-or-death." "Shut up, FP." My mom said angry. "Happy to oblige if you are. I don't care what you think of me, Alice but don't jerk me around. Not infront of my son." Alice stayed still. "This was such a nice idea, but I think it's time that we get to the dance. So it's okay if we skip the peach pie?" Betty asked. "That's a good idea Betty, Reggie and the others are waiting outside for me. So yeah, bye." I left the house and got in to the car.

At school, I got out of the car with the others. Together we entered the hall where the music was already playing.

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