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The next day I was sitting in the student lounge with the others because of what had happened with Polly. "Our Mom and Dad don't want to get the police involved. They don't want anyone to know she ran away, or about her shameful condition." Betty explained to the others. "Please. What decade is this?" "I think you never met our parents." I said while I roll my eyes. "Well, since she knew where Jason's getaway-car was they're afraid people might think that she burned it and that if she did-" "She could be the murderer covering her tracks." Finished Jughead Betty's sentence. "Who did burn the car?" Archie asked. "Sheriff Keller says it's possible someone was following Betty, Jughead and me." "Oh, my god. Honestly, guys, we should just move." Veronica said. "Guys, what if Polly's really hurt? What if whoever killed Jason is coming after her next?" To comfort Betty, Jughead put his arm around Betty. Archie and Veronica looked at them both in surprise. "Betty, even though your parents don't want to, maybe you should go to the police." Archie said. "Seconded. We can talk to my dad about how he has to be discreet." Jughead made a face. "No offense, Kev, but your dad answers to a higher authority than God. The Blossoms. They're the first people he would tell." "And if there's anyone to keep this a secret from, it's he Blossoms. They'd twist it around and go after Polly out of spite." What none of us saw was Ginger who noticed everything as we continued talking. After our conversation, each of us left the room. I was standing at my locker when I got a notification. Cheryl just tweeted:

#PollyCooperkilledmybrother #Nowheretohide #Sharpenyourpitchforks

I looked around the hall and saw Betty with Kevin and Veronica. I quickly went to her, before I could even say anything, Betty grabbed my arm and pulled me along. "We have to find Polly, Kat."


We all stood in the forest, it was freezing cold. Betty and Jughead stood together before all of us

"Okay, the Sisters of Quiet Mercy are due north. The getaway car was west on the old Route 40."

"Closest bus station is east, headed towards Sweetwater. If Polly wanted to leave without being seen she probably would've left trough right..."

"Right here. Eversgreen Forest."

We set off to search the forest. Everyone called Polly's name and looked everywhere. I ran with Valerie, we talked about the holidays while we were walking through the woods. When I looked I saw the Blossoms with Sheriff Keller.

"Alice Cooper. Where is she? Where's Polly?" "You think if I knew that I would be out here with the mosquitoes?" Alice shot back. "Face facts, Mommy Dearest, Polly killed Jason." Cheryl said. "She escaped from the asylum once. Who's to say she didn't before? Say, the day Jason got murdered." Clifford explained. "The noose is tightening around your murdering daughter's neck. I know it, Sheriff Keller knows it-" Keller quickly interrupted her. "Hold on, now." But Penelope just kept talking. "And I promise you, when we find her, and we will find her the entire town of Riverdale will know too." Even though Cheryl was once one of my best friends and sometimes I really hate my mother, I just felt sorry for her and wanted to help her. Penelope and Mum just stared at each other until we all parted again. On the way back, Mum decided to make a press release about the situation. We stood together in a chapel, she put powder on her face. "Mom, is this a good idea? I thought we were trying to contain this this." "We were, Elizabeth. But know that the cat's out of the bag. We're in damage-control mode. The Blossoms have their version of the events but they don't know the whole story, at least not yet. And that gives us a momentary advantage." And my mom was back again in her control mode. "I don't know if I can do this." "Do you think I want to do that, Betty." I said as I sat down. Until now I was lying on one of the benches and had only listened. "Oh you can, and you too, and you will. Both of you will stand right beside me and your father. A united front against the holiest of backdrops. Let's see the Blossoms try to smear us then."

Together we left the chapel, together we stood on the stairs. Betty to mom's left and I was at dad's right. When all the attention was on us, as were the cameras, my mother began to speak.

"There's been a swirl of rumors today about our daughter Polly. And we're standing here to tell you that they're all false. Yes, Polly was seeking treatment in a private-care facility and she was under strickt observation even at the time of Jason Blossom's death. When she found out about the murder, she was beside herself with grief. You see," she paused. "my daughter Polly is pregnant with Jason Blossom's baby. Polly wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone the father of her unborn child."

The Blossoms stood in shock in the crowd. Cheryl looked hurt and followed her parents as they left the crowd. I focused back on the cameras when my father nudged me.

"Polly, darling, if you're watching this, please come home."

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