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When I woke up the next morning I had messages from two people. Kevin who wrote to me at two o'clock in the morning that when he got home his dad's murder board was destroyed. The second was from Betty who wanted me to come to school to help them recreate the murder board. So I made me on the way to school.

"This is how my dad had his board before it was trashed." said Kevin when we were finally done. "Any leads on who did that? And what they were looking for?" Jughead asked, who was also in the room. "Nope. No fingerprints. But they stole a bunch of files, background checks and all the video and audiotapes of police interview."

Before we could continue the door opened, it was Trev. "Oh, hey, Betty." "Trev, hi." How long have they been friends? "Sorry to interrupt, but-" Betty quickly interrupted him. "Oh, no. It's okay. We're just working on-" This time Jughead interrupted her. "Our murder board." He looked at us confused, but then recovered. "Well, I just wanted to make sure we're still on for tomorrow." "Absolutely. It's a date." I choked on the orange juice I bought before school. "I mean, I'll ... I'll see you there." "Bye!"

"Why don't I know you're on a date?" I asked indignantly. "Does Mama Cooper know about that?" asked Kevin. "Kat, forgot to tell you and Kev, I'm not on house arrest." He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Okay, she's out of town at a Women in Journalism spa retreat. Anyway, I mean-It's not a 'date' date. " "You just called it a date. You literally said,' It's a date.'. " replied Jughead. "That's just my cover. Really, it's an intelligence-gathering mission. We should focus on the one thing we have access to that your dad doesn't. The kids at Riverdale High. Maybe Trev knows something about Jason he didn't think it was important. " said Betty and then left the room. We followed her. 

In the hallway we met Veronica who joined us. Together we made our way to the footbalfield. "Betty, you're positively radiating Nicolas Sparks. Tell me everything about this Trev." "There's nothing to tell. He's one of Betty sources. There's nothing romantic in the offing." Kevin Veronica explained as we all sat down in the stands next to Archie. "Why is everything weird here? Why can't a date just be a date? What about you, Achie? How's life in a PG world?" We all looked at her in confusion. "PG? Post-Grundy? What to soon?" I suppressed a laugh and had a drink. "Coach Clayton says I have a shot at being varsity captain so I'm not thinking about anything else right now." "You're back to being boring!" said Veronica. Betty as she was said something else. "Are you maybe throwing yourself into football as a way to avoid your feelings?" "I'm not avoiding anything, Betty. I'm trying to get my life back on track." Before I could throw anything in, Valerie showed up. "I can help with that. I know Ms. Grundy was tutoring you." "Understatement of the year." I throw in. I didn't feel like sitting here any longer and when I discovered Reggie I wanted to make my way to him, at the same time Valerie left too. I didn't get far when I heard Cheryl behind me, so I turned back and watched her. "Sorry to interrupt Sad Breakfast Club. I'm here to formally invite you to Jason's memorial at Thornhill this weekend." Surprisingly, she gave one to Veronica too. "To my suprise and chagrin, Mother added you to the guest list. In case you're tempted to steal our silver candlesticks, don't. We'll be searching bags." She walked away from them and came up to me and pulled me with them. "This is your invitation. I wanted to ask you if you want to sleep with me the night before? I don't want to be alone before that." "Of course, I'll be happy to come. I'm always there for you, don't forget that." She smiled at me and we hugged. She made her way to school while I went to see Reggie. He had training right away and I wanted to see him before that.


The next evening I sat at a table with Cheryl, her parents, her Nana and, surprisingly, Veronica. We ate in the evening. No matter how many times I've been in this house, I always feel uncomfortable. When we finished eating, Veronica thanked us. "Cheryl invited you both. I have no idea why your both here." "Me neither. I thought there'd be more girls." I grinned at her answer. I didn't responded to him, after the whole Polly and Jason drama their hatred against me become bigger. "Nana Rose, would you like some more ham?" Nana Rose continued to stare, and Clifford turned away from him in annoyance. "Veronica, Katherina, would you like some more maple ham?" "I'm not hungry anymore, but thank you." "I'm good. It's delicious, though. You can really taste the maple." Veronica responded. "You do know Riverdale was founded on the maple-syrup industry." "I didn't actually. Fascinating." "That's where Sweetwater River got its name.Perhaps you should ask your father about it sometime. How is he, by the way?" I know the Blossom's are numb at times, but that's a new level. "OK." said Veronica softly. "There are worse things than prison." "Like this dinner party." I hid my grin behind my napkin. "What did you say?" Penelope said. It was quiet and the three of us looked at each other. When Clifford broke the silence." That must have been hard for you. Watching your father being handcuffed and dragged out of your home in front of you and your neighbors, all those reporters. "" The worst part is how fast it happened. He was just gone. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. That's why it's so great you all get a chance to say goodbye to Jason tomorrow." "Not all of us." Cheryl interrupted, whereupon her mother replied." That's because some people already got to say goodbye to Jason while rowing him across the river to his death." Penelope took her dishes and got up. We made our way and went to Cheryl's room. We spent the evening looking at old pictures and talking.

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