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It was break and I was sitting with Kevin and Veronica in the student lounge. "It's this quintessential rite of passage. Making out with your boy- or girlfriend at the movies." Kevin said dramaticallyand collapsed on the couch. 

"Why don't we three go together? I can't promise you any action Kevin, but maybe I'll bring you good luck." I shrugged my shoulders and agreed. "Great. Another night, another hag." We all laughed.

Cheryl came through the door unexpectedely. "Speaking of hags. Veronica, it's so devastating to me that your mother has to sink to such unspeakable lows just to keep those knockoff Hermes bags on your arm. What's next, selling her hair extensions?" she said, pretended to be concerned. "My mom's a waitress, Cheryl, not Fantine. And you faux concern reeks of ulterior motive. What is it?"

"Only to remind you of your place in this school. Nay the town's social hierarchy." Cheryl said smirking. "Threatened much? Don't worry. You may be a stock character from a '90s teen movie, but I'm not. And what does this have to do with my mom being a waitress?" Cheryl tilted her head. "I saw her talking to a Southside Serpent last night. In the alley behind Pop's. They were having an extremely heated, intimate discussion. See for yourself." Kevin and I got up to check the cell phone. I choked on my water when I realized who it was in the picture. That was Jughead's dad.

Cheryl left the room and Veronica turned to us. "Who or what is a Southside Serpent?" "They're this gang of bikers who stays on the sout side of town." I responded. "And thank God, because they're dangerous, drug dealers and petty thieves." added Kevin. "Then what was my mom doing with one of them?" Veronica asked worried, we both shrugged with our shoulders.


The film was already playing. I was sitting on Kevin's father's truck with Veronica and Kevin. All of a sudden Cheryl's car was parked in front of us. "Make some room, outcasts and Kat." She sat down next to me. 

After a while I got up to go to Jug who sat in the projection room. The serpents were sitting in front of the projection room and they were pretty noisy. Before I stepped into the room, I saw Hermione Lodge meeting FP. Again.

I opened the door and sat down next to Jug. "Popcorn?" He laughed softly and took some. "I thought I will come back here, it will be the last time." I said sadly. "We spent a lot of time here." Jug agreed with me. We watched the movie together, when it was over Veronica called me.

Where are you? The film is over and we want to go home. Can you please pick up Kevin on the way?

Sure I do!

I put my cell phone away, said goodbye to Jughead, and left the room. When I looked behind the building I saw Kevin. With a serpent. 

After some time the Serpent went back to the others while Kevin was walking in my direction. When he was walking around the corner and saw me he gasped. "Veronica wants to go, the movie is over. Are you coming?" I said smirking.

Kevin dropped first Veronica at home and then me. When I got home the house was empty again. At some point I heard my dad frantically entering the house and ten minutes later my mum and Betty was walking in to the house. I looked out of the window and saw Archie with his dad. It seems at the secret was blown up. 

I heard how my mum and Betty were arguing in Betty's room.


On the next morning I woke up before everyone else. I put on a black skirt and a red sweater, then I grabbed my cell phone. In the housefloor I grabbed my skateboard and made my way to the drive-in, I was meeting Jughead there. When I arrived I saw Jug throwing a spray can far away. Jug's dad appeared beside Jug and they talked for some time. He made his way to me, while Serpents were driving with Motorbikes on the property. Together we made our way to Pop's. We ordered us Milkshakes and talked.

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