The Date (2)

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"No way! A choker is much more efficient if it be equipped with nano tech or yet... a nano hero suit." (Y/n) argued as Peter shook his head.

"No. It's either in an arc reactor or in the suit for a minor upgrade. And it's better to have it in your bag at all times."

"What if you lose your bag containing the suit?"

"Please... You can carry it in your bag like you carry your school stuff every day."

"You mean losing it when you leave it laying around? A very bold move for an irresponsible person."

"Hey! I am not irresponsible. And I always caught the bad guys at every patrol." 

"Says the dude who kept losing his backpack every time he patrols the streets of Queens."

"Hey! Not cool." (Y/n) giggled as the continued their walk. Their date went on smoothly as they continued their little outing. Unknown to their little date, multiple eyes watched them from their hiding spots.

"Looks pretty normal to me... but not quite." Kirishima muttered, the others nodded.

"Uraraka, Tsu, can you give us any visual on them?" Iida asked through his walkie-talkie as Uraraka cautiously floated with Asui trailing behind.

"They're only chatting... Heading up towards where Shinsou, Kaminari, Koda and Monoma are." Uraraka answered.

"Give them the signal."


Class 1A, along with Mirio, Amajiki and Nejire nodded as they quietly followed, far from the pair's vicinity. Class B's Awase, Kendou, Monoma and TetsuTetsu, The Big Three, Harley and Shinsou had all decided to tag along with Class A upon hearing (Y/n)'s date with Peter.

"They're heading your way."

"Copy that." They heard Shinsou reply as they hid in their spots.


"How are you liking here so far, Pete?" (Y/n) asked.

"It's pretty cool here. It's not like Queens, but I really like it here. I wish May was here. She always wanted to come here." Peter replied.

"Well, you could always give her a present you bought from here." 

"Yeah. Maybe something she would like... like some clothes, bags, shoes or some household items. I know some stores that could get you those things. You wanna head on and check them out?"

"Maybe... But for n-now, let's just c-continue o-our d-da-outing!" Peter stammered, trying to hold on to the bags he carries as (Y/n) chuckled. They continued their walk to the park as the others followed.

"You know what to do." Shinsou said as Koda nodded. Several birds whistled to Koda as Koda pointed at the pair, especially at Peter. The birds flew towards the pair as they flocked around Peter, making them stop in their tracks.

"H-hey! Shoo!" Peter shielded his head as birds tried to peck him. He ran around, trying get away from the birds.

"I didn't know Sam's flock hates you." (Y/n) joked as Peter shielded himself, still being followed by the birds.

"(N/n)! They're pecking me! Help!" Peter whined as (Y/n) chuckled, placing the bags down.

"All right... hold still, Underoos." (Y/n)'s hands emit energy as the birds stopped attacking Peter. The birds hovered for a moment as Peter fixed his messy brown locks. He noticed the red mists on the birds' temples as (Y/n) flexed her fingers, letting the birds fly for a short distance away from them, which she then release the birds as they flew away. 

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