V for Valentines (Valentine's Day Special) (1)

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"Are the decorations really necessary?" (Y/n) asked, moving her hands as her telekinesis placed the heart banners on the wall. 

"Absolutely, (Y/n)! This day only comes once a year, so we have to make this upcoming day extra special!" Present Mic yelled in excitement as the other teachers nodded. (Y/n) rolled her eyes as she placed them on to the door of the teacher's dorm.

"All right, that's enough of (Y/n)'s help. Let's let her go for the day." (A/n) said as she arrived, carrying some grocery bags while the kids carried a single bag each on their hands. 

"Hey Auntie, how was the shopping?" (Y/n) asked to which (A/n) shrugs her shoulders. 

"Not much really, just a lot of people, mostly students buying some ingredients and other necessities for the upcoming day." (A/n) said as her black shoulder length hair morphed back to her signature flaming waist length red hair. 

Helios' red slicked back hair morphed back to his signature puffed black hair with red highlights, Fiamma's single ponytail morphed back to its twin tails style and Cyrus' black straight hair morphed back to its' puffed red hair with black highlights. 

"I'll be in my room..." Helios muttered, sheepishly as (A/n) smiled at her son.

"Okay firefly." Helios nodded as he walked to the elevator, head hanging low while he carried the bag in his hands.

"Hello, father." Helios said, walking over his sleeping father's sleeping bag. Aizawa let out a muffled greeting as Helios waited for the elevator.

"Have fun writing, brother!" Cyrus yelled as Helios flinched, the elevator doors closing.

"What was that all about?" Midnight asked, helping (A/n) unpack the groceries. Fiamma took out some boxes of Pocky in her bag as she gave the other box to Eri and (Y/n). 

(Y/n) declined the offer as Eri happily took the box. Cyrus took the box of Pocky as he and the girls sat down on the couch where Aizawa unzipped his sleeping bag, getting up as he folded the sleeping bag in his hands.

"Oh, you didn't know?" (A/n) turns to her fellow teacher, to which the others turned to her.

"Helios is making something special for a certain someone." (A/n) said as she shook her head, chuckling at the thought of her oldest son's sudden shy demeanor.

"Already? At his age? I thought he's just interested in reading and solitude." Cementoss said as the other teachers nodded in agreement.

"Well, he's still a young boy, so let him be... It's normal for kids to have a crush. But I'm not going to pry on my son's secret crush." (A/n) said, morphing her hair to a high bun.

"But I will..." Cyrus smirked, already scheming as Aizawa placed a hand on top of Cyrus' head to which Aizawa ruffled his hair, messing it completely. Aizawa walked away as Cyrus pouted, fixing his messed up hair.

"Well, I'm gonna head out now. I have a list of ingredients to buy and some crafts for the upcoming day."

"Ohhh~ Is it for someone special? Didn't know that you already had someone in mind, (N/n)." Present Mic teased the girl, to which (Y/n) furrowed her brows.

"I'm just going to buy some ingredients to make some chocolate." 

"For who, exactly?" Present Mic asked again, as (Y/n) tilted her head. (A/n) wrapped Mic's mouth, silencing him.

"Come on, 'Zashi, let the girl go and do her thing. It's not our job to pry on her personal life." Mic muffled as (A/n) nudged her head, telling her niece to head on out.

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