Trip to Plan (1)

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"Good morning students! It's your favorite mammal about to make an announcement!" Principal Nezu's voice rang through the intercom as the students and teachers stopped in their tracks.

"Yesterday, Flare handed out some forms for the students for an upcoming field trip. In 2 days, we will have a school field trip!" Principal Nezu cheered as (Y/n) sensed the sudden uplift of the school's aura.

"However, the entirety of the trip's information is confidential... Under the instructions of our pro hero, Flare." (Y/n)'s pencil floated an inch over her palm as her bracelet chimed, but she ignored it for a moment.

"But I'm sure that everyone will have a great time on this trip! We will see you all in 2 days! That will be all!"

The announcement ended as whispers among the students started. (Y/n) blinked her eyes as she nudged her head. Fiddling with her mechanical pencil as her fingers emit energy as the pencil hovered a bit.

"Now that Principal Nezu had announced it, let's head back to our topic." Midnight said as she continued her lesson for class 1A. (Y/n)'s pencil landed back on her hand and begun writing some notes and a list.


Fiamma blinked as she hugged her plush toy, walking to the faculty office as Agni, sticking out her "tongue" while resting on the little girl's head. It was around class hours as the little girl walked the seemingly empty hallways. Agni purred as she tossed and turned on Fiamma's head.

"Remind me again why are we heading to the faculty office, Fia?" Agni asked, resting upside down on Fiamma's head, bored.

"Uncle Azul told me to bring an important thing to Mommy and Papa." Fiamma said, blinking her red and black eyes as Agni let out a soft growl.

"Couldn't you just send it using your bracelet? It's pretty obvious since our devices are one of the advanced around the galaxy." Agni suggested.

"I know... but I wanna go out of the dorms. Since Cyrus got out yesterday, I figured it would be the perfect time to visit. Right,

"Clearly, you just want to get out of the dorms to go exploring."

"True. But then again, I get to see (N/n) and Mommy and Papa and Uncle Zashi and Auntie Nemu--"

"Please just say you'll get to see your parents, godparents and (N/n). You don't have say their names individually." Agni groaned in annoyance.

"Nope. And besides, I kinda wanna see and meet (N/n)'s friends since we just told them about Big Brother Peter and you told them to sabotage their... what was it called?"

"Date. And my advice was pretty simple and forward, Fia. If they're going to prove themselves to (N/n), they should never back down."

"You just want them to sabotage for your kind of fun, didn't you?" Agni appeared in front of her, staring at her with a half-lidded expression.

"Obviously." Fiamma tilted her head at Agni as Agni growled playfully at her, slumping back on top of Fiamma's head.

"Lame..." Agni purrs as Fiamma blinked.

"No it's not."

"Yes, it is and it's in my opinion, Fia."

"Your opinions are always like that, though. Every. Opinion. Every. Time." Fiamma subtly rolled her eyes making Agni chirp playfully at her.

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