Play with Fire

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(Y/n) arrived at her destination as she stood in front of the gate, the area was a field of crumbling buildings and debris. She took a deep breath before letting it out as she generated a shield on her arm. She walked to the gate as she heard the speaker blared out:

(L/n) (Y/n), exam begin!

Energy engulfed her palms as she motioned her hands, energy surged the entire area as she located the exit but not her aunt. She wasted no time running towards the direction of the exit as she stopped in front of her tracks just a few meters away as she saw her aunt standing in front of the exit, her back faced her as she wasted no time throwing the shield to her.

For a split second, Flare turned around and grabbed a hold of the shield, stopping it at full speed as her gloved hand clenched the metallic shield.

"Now now, sweetie..." Flare's sickeningly sweet tone echoed the field, "you know this  trick is already getting old." A sadistic smile rested on her face as (Y/n) stood back at the sight of her aunt's defense.

"I-it's n-not p-possible..." (Y/n) stuttered as her aunt looked at her with a sadistic smile as she tilted her head.

"Sweetie, you have no idea of what's possible..." Flare taunted as she tighten her grip onto the shield as the shield broke in half. The pieces of the shield fell to the ground as the broken shield fell to the ground.


"What the?!"

"How is that possible?!"

"She just destroyed the shield with her hand!"

"That's insane!"

The class stared at the monitor as Midoriya and Bakugo entered the room. Uraraka noticed Midoriya as he stood beside her.

"Deku, you're already healed."

"Uh... yeah... Recovery Girl got a little overboard with the healing but that's alright. I wanna see how (Y/n)'s doing on her exam." He said as he went back to the monitor.

"Bakubro! You're back!" Kirishima exclaimed as Bakugo stood beside him.

"Shut up! I'm just here to watch her exam!"

'You better not fail this exam, witch!'


Flare stared at her niece's trembling figure as she gave her a sadistic smile.

"Let's have some fun..."

She ran her hands on her hair. The motion of her hands caused her hair to turn into fire as her palms ran from her forehead to the back of her head, her red hair turned into a fiery amber color, her lashes grew longer and turned into dancing flames. Her red eyes changed into bright hues. Her braids untied on its own as her hair moved on its own as it wrapped around her arms, the hair morphed into sharp claws as Flare stood there, her sadistic smile turned into a sinister smile.

"I told you I wasn't going easy on you, (N/n)." She said before she lunged at her niece at full speed. (Y/n) quickly engulfed her palms with energy as she repeatedly blocked the attacks as she tries to keep up with her aunt's speed attacks, while maintaining her footings as she back away with every step as they engaged in combat. The two engaged in hand to hand combat; Flare attacking at such a speed that it was nearly impossible for (Y/n) to block her attacks.

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