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"This is madness! You can't just treat her like a weapon! She's just a child!"

"Her power exceeded my expectations. She's going to be raised like a weapon! Her quirks came from us! US! You should be grateful that she has a quirk to begin with!"

"I lived my entire life apart from my siblings. I was trained to become a living weapon, while they were raised with parental love. I want her to experience that, not turn her into a weapon like her mother!"

"And turn her into a weakling?!"

"She's just a child!"

"Give me a break!"


"Mommy?" I stood there as she was done talking to some grownups. All of them were wearing their hero costumes. She got down to my height.

"Sweetie," she begun stroking my hair gently as she gave me a small smile. "Mommy has to go on a mission, Ok? These are Mommy's friends. They'll look after you when Mommy's away. Ok?" I didn't answer her as I felt tears running down my face as I hugged her. She stroke my back, comforting me as I tightened my arms around her.

"I don't want you to go."

"Don't worry, your aunties and uncles will come here every month to check on you. And make sure to practice. Mommy's friends will look after you while your aunties and uncles are not yet here."
I reluctantly let go of my grip as I wiped the tears on my eyes. She grabbed my hand, my beads were on my wrist on the hand she grabbed.

"Always keep your beads with you. Mommy might call you when she's not busy, Ok?" I nodded as I hugged the plushie closer.

"Madam, your ride is now ready." One of the bodyguards said to her as she gave me and Mommy a salute as she headed outside.

"Mommy has to go now, sweetie. Good bye. Mommy will come back, I promise."

"Bye, Mommy. I love you 3000."

"I love you 3000." She pecked my forehead as she stood up and walked away as I saw her walked inside of the quinjet as they got off of the ground and flew away. I waved my hand as I saw the quinjet flew away farther into the distance.

"Don't worry, Young (L/n). We'll take care of you for your mother." I heard a booming voice said to me as he gave me a smile and gave out his hand, which I gladly took. We walked towards the other grownups.

"May I know your name, Mister?"

"I am All Might... But you can call me Uncle Toshi."


I sat there on the ground, full of scratches as the other kids tower over me.

"Haha! Weakling!"




They taunted me as I sat there on the ground, not reacting to their stupid insults. One of them was about to stomp me when I kicked him on his private area. He let out a scream of pain as I stood up and glared at him and his buddies.

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