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"Do you want to stay at ours Jess?" Tanya asked when I had started to calm down.

All I could manage was a nod.

"Okay, i'll get your stuff." Tanya told me, patting me on the shoulder and going upstairs.

About 5 minutes later I had all my bags sorted and we were all (apart from Dan) sitting on the couch. Phil was on one side of me and Zoe was on the other side. Louise had left a few minutes later, having to get back to Darcy.

Dan came downstairs a few minutes later, his hair messy and tear steaks down his face, he looked a mess. But he was still handsome... You can't think about him like that anymore, he cheated on you. Jim glared at him when he sat next to Phil.

"I think we should start heading home." Jim suggested.

"Okay."Tanya agreed. Everyone got up and said goodbye.

"I'm sorry about tonight." Zoe said to me at the door.

"It wasn't your fault." I reassured her

"We will have a girls night at some point." Zoe told me

"Sounds good." I said.

"Jess..."Dan started when I said goodbye to him.

"Dan, don't." Phil said, pushing him back.

Phil hugged me and whispered "I'll take your stuff to Jim and Tanya's tomorrow."

"Thank you."I replied, kissing my best friend on the cheek.

Then Tanya took my arm and guided me to the car. She sat in the back with me and put her arms around me. Jim put a CD on and 'no good in goodbye' by the script came on. I started to cry when we hit the motorway and Jim changed it to Now 89.

It took a few hours to get to the Janya household. When we got there Jim made up the blow up bed for me and Tanya gave me the internet password. I thanked her and changed into some of Tanya's Pyjamas because it was too warm in the house for a onesie. When I returned to the living room I saw a cup of tea and a pack of digestives on the table. I heard Jim finishing his vlogg so I went to his study and waited until he stopped talking. I knocked on the door and crept in.

"Hey Jess, you okay?" Jim asked standing up.

"Yeah, I was just wondering if I could go with you to the gym tomorrow, I just need to get my mind off of Dan." I asked

"Of course you can, you can come every morning if you like."

"Thank you"

"Now go get some sleep, I'll wake you up at 7ish so you have time to get ready, you can borrow some of Tanya's clothes as your both roughly the same size and don't bother getting a shower in the morning, you will need one afterwards anyway."

Jim hugged me and I went into the living room. I checked my social media on my laptop and saw that Dan had tweeted me:

@jessisprobalyjoking goodnight, have fun at the Janya household.

I decided to reply:

@danisnotonfire it's better than the Phan household.

That started a 'shit storm' and I smiled. Have fun explaining that Dan I thought. I shut my laptop and went to sleep, it was 1:30 after all.

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