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When the Order of the Pheonix ended we decided that 10 hours of Harry Potter was long enough. Phil went across the road to get Starbucks because we were all to lazy to make teas and coffees ourselves (I don't like coffee, I think it's too bitter).

"I still can't believe that you can't stand Coffee, but you love coffee cake." Dan stated while we leaned up the empty pizza boxes from dinner.

"Yeah, I don't really understand it myself." I said, because I didn't.

On my way to put the boxes in the bin I forgot to open the kitchen door again "AAHHH OH MYY GOSH!" I shouted, dropping the boxes "HONESTLY?! OH MY ALFIE DEYES!"

"What did Alfie do now?" Dan asked, walking towards the kitchen. Seeing me on the floor he ran (well he walked quickly, like Dan would run) over and hugged me. "You okay?

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said as he helped me up. His eyes were brown like chocolate, his dark brown hobbit hair was across the front of his face. I reached up to his hair and moved it back onto his normal side fringe. He smiled and hugged me. I looked back up at him and we locked eyes, my heart started pounding in my chest, pulling me towards him. I started thinking about how handsome he was and I decided that I liked him, like I really liked him. He bent his head down and just as our lips skimmed eachother, Phil came puffing and panting up the stairs. We seperated quickly and I cold feel the heat run to my cheeks. We picked the boxes up and disappeared into the kitchen before Phil made it up the stairs.

"Guys!" Phil called, out of breath.

"In the kitchen Phil!" Dan called back and moments later a red faced Phil arrived in the kitchen.

"Did you run or something?" I asked, laughing as I took my tea.

No, I-I-I met a girl..." Phil said, going a brighter shade of red.

Dan and I looked at eachother and smiled "Phil has a girlfiend!" We sang, dancing around him stupidly.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Kate" Phil mumbled "and we have a date tomorrow, so I'm going to get some sleep."

I looked at Dan as Phil walked out of the room and we laughed, not at Phil but at how close we were to kissing and Phil walking in on us.

"What to do now." I said, sipping my tea

"We can do whatever we want cause Phil has a date tomorrow" Dan said, a smirk crossing his face.

"Harry Potter?" I suggested

"Harry Potter" Dan agreed

We went into the living room and I decided to see what Dan texted Richard so I grabbed my phone, ignoring Richards recent texts to me and went to my last message to him. It read:

Hello Richard, Dan here. Now I am going to make this very clear for your pea sized brain to understand. DO NOT TEXT JESS AGAIN. She doeesn't appreciate it and neither does Phil or I. I would hope that you would give up and move on, but I know that this text will just make you more determined. Let me tell you this though, Jess does not need your lying, cheating, abusive ass anywhere near her so kindly leave her alone and stop pestering her. She is crying in Phil's arms right now because of YOU. The next time I talk to you there won't be much talking.

I smiled and scrolled through Richard's 5 replies:

Why do you have Jess' phone Dan, are you controlling her or something?

Shall I tell your lovely fanbase that you are only using Jess and that you took her phone from her.

I could ruin you Daniel

Jess please, I need you, please answer me

Please tell me you are okay. I'm coming to your flat wether you like it or not Jessie.

My face dropped as I sensed Dan looming. He sat next to me and pulled me to his chest. "Hey, are you okay Jess?" He asked.

"Ye-No, not really." I replied, snuggling closer to him, but there was no closer.

"What's wrong?"

"Richard texted me..."

Ignore him Jess." Dan interrupted, sliding the phone out of my hand and placed it back on the table. I started to cry again. Dan looked at my face and lifted my chin up. He brushed away the tears and kept his hand supporting my chin. "I'll always be here, you know that right?"

"Of course I do Dan"

"Jess, can I tell you something?"

"Sure, anything." I stared into his eyes like they might swallow me whole if I looked away for even a second.

"I-I really like you..."

I sat there starstruck. Dan Howell, youtube celebrity with over 4 million subscribers fancies me? Out of every girl he could've picked he chose a girl who has so many insecrities, with a too big nose, a too small mouth, messy hair, glases and an overprotective abusive ex. Me? He picked me?

"Oh my days, I just blew it didn't I? I'm so stupid, I'm sorry Jess..." Dan started to babble. It took me a while to realise that he was apologizing to me, for what? I tried to but in, to tell him that he was compleatly wrong. I sighed when I couldn't get a word in edgeways. I lent above him and kissed him slowly on the lips. He smiled and pushed our mouths open. I pulled away and we laughed, our foreheads pressed together.

"So what does this make us?" Dan asked, biting his lip

"Whatever you want Dan, but I would like to be your girlfriend if you will be my boyfriend." I said, feeling the heat run to my cheeks.

"Of course." He pecked my lips and we cuddled on the sofa and watched the half-blood prince. He chose me and I chose him.

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