20-I'll never leave you

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I woke up in a room with a blue curtain shutting me out from the rest of the world. I had watched enough episodes of Casualty to know that I was in hospital. I saw cards beside me and reached over, I opened them and looked at each individually. One was from Zalfie, one was from my Mum and Dad, one was from Sam, Nic and John, one was from Janya, one was from Narcus, one was from the Sacconejoly's, one was from Louise, Matt and Darcy and the last one was from everyone at gleam.

Then a doctor waled in with a girl with short brown hair and bags under her eyes. Zoe's face lit up when she saw me. She hugged me and then she started to cry.

"Zoe?" I asked

"Jess, you've been asleep for 2 days." She told me

"Zoe, what's wrong?"

"Dan, Dan and Phil, they..."

"They what Zoe?"

"Phil is bed bound, he should be able to leave in a week or so and Dan, Dan.."


"Dan is in a critical position. He has 2 broken rips, a huge stab wound in his stomach and a broken leg."

I just sat there shocked.

"Dan." I croaked, then I started to cry. "Dan!" I called.

Zoe gathered me in her arms and we cried together.

~2 weeks later~

Dan is now in a comma, Phil and I were released from hospital two days ago. We went straight home and just cried together. Phil was basically uninjured, he had a cut on his arm and if it was only a bit deeper Phil wouldn't have an arm anymore. We had told the viewers that we were in hospital and nothing more on the matter.

"Phil." I said

"Yeah" He said.

"What happened, you know , with Richard?"

"Well you and Dan were filming your video and I was just about to get a drink when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and tried to shut it, but he pushed it open. I told him he couldn't come in but he wouldn't have it. I shouted for Dan and he came down. We beat Richard up, but that just made him barge past us. Then Dan ran up the stairs and blocked him from going to you. Then Richard got a knife from his pocket and stabbed Dan in his stomach and kicked his leg. Then he kicked him in the side so many times that I lost count. I pulled Richard off Dan, but then he turned on me. He stabbed my arm ans then I grabbed the knife and stabbed his leg, then I ran into the kitchen to get some ice for Dan and blacked out. The next thing I remember was you shouting for Dan in the hospital. Alfie was with me when I woke up."

Then I started to sob. We watched the TV and I cuddled up to Phil.

~The next day~

We went to visit Dan in the hospital. When we got there we were taken to a room with purple walls where Dan was laying, but he didn't look like Dan anymore. His hair was too long for him, he wasn't wearing black or grey, he had bruises all over his face and he didn't kiss me when he saw me. Instead he slept. I ran to his bedside and knelt down. I started to cry into his cold hand.

"Dan." I whispered "Dan, wake up please. Don't leave me"

I wanted him to wake up so badly, for him to jolt up right now and them both to laugh and pull the cameras out. I wanted so bad to laugh and hit them both for pranking me. But that didn't happen, he just lay there.

After a couple of hours we had to go. I kissed Dan and Phil and I left

"Bye danosaur." I said, smiling.

Dan's POV

"Dan, Dan wake up please. Don't leave me" Jess? Jess where are you?

I want to wake up, I'm trying. Don't cry Jess, I love you. I'll never leave you.


"Bye Danosaur." Jess? No don't go! Please, don't leave me!

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