Chapter 14 : Property

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Okay so first of all, for the first part, I recently reread my mangas of Card Captor Sakura Clear Card Arc, thus explaining the shitty names choices.

As for the talents I invented last minute, this is simply because I watched way too much Farod's twitch live streams (he's French, so you probably don't know him) on Phoenix Wright... ^^"

I recently listened to "Useless Child" and "Mother knows best" from Rapunzel... only one here finding the lyrics correspond very well to Shuichi's philosophy and manipulation ?

And am I the only damn author way too much inspired for her writing, so much that it must be the 5th time the chapter I'm writing is two times longer than what it's supposed to be and that I'm forced to split it in two ???

Oh yeah, btw, I promised in French, the word literally means "feets' fingers" okay ?????


« Once we found out Dane's body, the culprit manipulated us to split in smaller groups during the investigation, explaining their idea by saying there were a lot of things to investigate in a short time. But that was only a ruse. Their true purpose was to be alone to get rid of some evidence they had accidently left in the ultimate ballerina's research lab. But it was too late. Those piece of evidences had already left some proofs that they were there, thus proving someone tried to destroy some evidence. And the only person who could have possibly done it is the one who volunteered to go to Erina's lab. In other words, it has to be you, Akiko Spinel ! The ultimate lawyer ! You are the one responsible for all of this, aren't you ? »

« ... »

« This is the truth behind this case. This is the story the evidences tell us. »

« But still... I can't believe it... Akiko ? The ultimate lawyer herself is the murderer ? »

« I can't either but... if you consider Akiko is the culprit then it all falls into place. This is the truth behind this case. »

« Well Akiko ? What do you have to say ? Any objection ? »

« ... »

« That's enough ! Just admit it already ! Everything points out to you ! »

« So... sorry... I... was just thinking... »

« Of what ? »

« Of... what I could say... to make you believe I'm innocent... a lawyer must always believe in their client's innocence even if they are guilty but... Now... even I cannot believe in my own innocence ever... »

« Is... are you admitting it ? »

« ... »

« In this case, this is over. It's time to vote. »

« Okie-doki ! I'm on it ! Alright ! It seems your discussion is over so it's voting time ! Who are you gonna choose as the murderer ? Puhuhuhu... will you make the right choice ? Or the dreadfully wrong one ? What's it gonna be ? Well the astrological signs all say the same : you've got it perfectly right ! Dane Yue's murderer is none other than Akiko Spinel ! The ultimate lawyer herself ! »

« So this is the end, huh ?... I was sure my plan would work out... »

« Akiko ! Why did you do this ?! Why did you kill Dane ?! »

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