Bonus chapter 05 : The Beginning of The End

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(no, not of jabberwock island)

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« Who is this ? »

« It's Shuichi's uncle, Mr Saihara. »

« Come in. »


« Hello there, Ouma. I'm sorry I'm late, I got a little lost in all these hallways. This hospital sure is bigger than it looks like ! »

« It's okay. »

« Oh ? Shuichi isn't here ? Where is he ? »

« Outside. Doing his daily "walk" with a nurse. »

« Oh I see. Would you like to wait for him before we start off anything ? Maybe he shou

« No freaking way. I asked you to come at this hour exactly because Shuichi is not here. »

« Oh... very well then. I respect your decision. But before anything, I would like to know : you wanted to discuss with me about something but... with me as a policeman ? Or as Shuichi's uncle ? »

« Both. By the way, I highly recommend you take out a pen and a paper because I've got a lot of things to say. »

« Al... Alright... you really take the initiative there, don't you, Ouma ? He he... »

« ... »

« ...he... hum... alright, I'm ready. So ? What did you want to talk about ? »

« About Shuichi. And the car accident. First off, I'd like to know : what happened to the truck driver ? »

« He came to the station the other day to admit he was the one responsible for the accident. He regrets so much what he's done he offered to pay back -as much as he could- for your treatments or the insurance or anything you or Shuichi may need. »

« What's going to happen to him ? Will he go to jail ? »

« If you or Shuichi decides to fill in a complaint against him, it is possible. But considering he already admitted to it and offered to pay back, the judge may have mercy on him. »

« So Shuichi can complaint against this guy to send him to jail ? »

« In theory. Since he is amnesic, I doubt he will because he said he wouldn't risk condemning an innocent person while he can't even remember the accident. »

« Pfff... what a joke coming from him... »

« Huh ? »

« Nothin'. »

« Hum... anyway... so I guess you are kinda the only one who gets to decide if this man should pay for the accident. You can file a complaint against him and you can even fill in the papers right now if you'd like t- »

« In that case, I won't fill anything. Let him go. »

« Hum... really ? Are you sure ? You can have some time to think about i- »

« Yes, I'm sure. I'm certain of it. »

« Hum... alright, noted.... »

« ... »

« You know... I don't mean to make you doubt or change your mind but I must say I am quite surprised you want to let him go free of charge... »

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