Chapter 18 : Betrayal

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I'm back b!tches !

Oh my god, how I will LOVE FINALLY publishing this chapter and getting hundred of notifications when I'll wake up the next day ! Spam me, I don't care, I'm used to it anyway !

Srsly, I know this is not the first time I'm taking a month to update the book but even I was sick of waiting and not being able to write !

Those weeks without having been able to write or even think about Guardian Demon were... really weird... maybe because I wanted SO MUCH to write down all of my ideas for the next chapters... this was so weird that, when I finally got back to writing a little again, it was EXTREMELY weird ! I felt like I was learning how to write a story again XD

Fyi, first off, my wrist feels a little better but it still hurts a bit, there's a chance I might go back to the doctor (no, not you maki and put that knife back immediately) just to make sure I don't have anything broken (*cough* like Kokichi *cough*). A stitch in time saves nine. All of this to say, the next chapter won't arrive in two days !

Well, the good news is : chapters 19 and 20 are already ready to be published on Wattpad (yeah... the fact that this 18th chapter was two times longer than planned AGAIN and that I was forced to slice it in two AGAIN kinda helped for that... ==) so I'm gonna wait a little, like two weeks, don't want to publish all those 3 chapters within a week, and then I'm gonna update.

(And at least, this'll enable me to keep updating the book for a little while without risking my wrist too much. Don't worry, I'm being careful, I know my health's important X))

(And god damnit... I know you have absolutely NO idea why I'm like this but I've been waiting weeks, months to show you the 19th and 20th chapters for some specific reasons and I can't wait to have your reactions, feedbacks and theories about these ! But I can't tell much more coz spoilers ^^ ;-p)

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Also, small disclaimer before we dive in : sligh sexual references and there's still a bit of schizophrenia and paranoïa so don't go any further if you can't handle these themes !!

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And just a friendly reminder that any spam forcing me to write faster the next chapters while my wrist still hurts will myteriously delay the update. (And even if my wrist was fine, spamming someone and hurging them is not the good way to show them you appreciate their works and creations. Let them work on these as long as they want to, it'll be better for everyone)

I'll probably do more covers and Dr compilation videos on my YouTube channel if you want to...


« Hum... »

Warm... so soft... it feels good... I feel so good in here...

My eyes are closed, I'm exhausted... I just want to sleep... keep my eyes shut for a little while longer and keep resting...

This place is... so pleasant... so warm... so soft...

This has nothing to do with the cold and rough ground from the basement... there's no more rope burning my wrists... I was able to drink and ease my thirtiness...

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