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Heya guys, good morning or evening or good day as Sonia would say, I'd like to open a parenthesis (I don't know if the expression is valid in English but Idc).

I didn't want to do it because I'm the kind of person who forgets her problems more easily when she doesn't see them but now the thing is I can't act like I'm blind anymore and I'm getting sick having to watch over these kinds of things.

So, for several chapters now, since 11th and 12th have been published in particular, there are events I'm witnessing quite a few times in the comments of the fic and, to be honest, that get on my nerves.

I feel like I'm watching over kids in a kindergarten.

At the beginning of the story, everyone was saying kaito and gonta deserved to die but one everyone became two main types of people ever since Kokichi has been kidnapped in the story.

The two types being : The sympathetics and the psychopaths.

The sympathetics being the people on Kokichi's side, getting the reactions I was aiming at when I was writing, who want to save him, who comment they're crying reading this and seeing him so sad and desperate to go home, etc.

And the psychopaths are the sadistics people who read my book mainly to see the torture part, manipulation part, horrific part, comment they can't wait to see Shuichi's next punishement, almost saying I'm being too nice with this kid.

First off, disclaimer : this is only what I noticed. I'm not saying one type of fan is better than the other.

Comments from both fans make me laugh, inspire me, motivate me and make me happy. I'm not saying some of them are real psychopaths, this is only for you to make the difference and understand the rest of this post.

The problem I've got recently with these two types of fans is being more and more arguments in the comments of my fic.

For example, a psychopath fan comments for the 1467th time they want to see Kokichi suffer.

Someone else reads this comment and doesn't understand this is irony and dark humour, so they start attacking the psychopath fan.

Saying it's cruel to wish for a fictionnal character's death, disgusting, etc.





Not kokichi, not nako, not cherry, not a real guardian angel...

Shuichi himself says with his very own lips in chapter 5...

« Posts complaining about animes that illustrate this kind of unhealthy relationships. People were saying this was disrespectful and that animes should stop. I mean, I can understand that not everyone likes these abusive ships but... as long as it stays fiction and doesn't hurt anyone then... where's the problem ? »

This book is fiction.

It will always be fiction. It does not encourage or accept creepy behaviors such as stalking, hacking, spying on someone, harassing, manipulating, abusing, killing, etc. This book does not mean at all I accept this kind of things / behaviors in real life.

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