I challenge you to give a voice to Guardian Demon !! ;-)

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Heya guys !

Looks like the next chapters are gonna take longer than what I planned this time ^^'

Not only should I rewrite them a bit, but I've also got work (again !) and, on top of that (because of course this wasn't already enough), my wrist hurts and I was sick for the day :-)

My wrist decided on its own to take a day off and to force me to take a break from the fics XD, I can't even translate the first chapter of my phantom thief fic for you "The most worthwhile treasure"

(like seriously I'm typing aaaall slowly right now writing these lines to not hurt it even more XD)

So yeah, I figured that, since it may take a while for the next chapter to be ready and published, I may as well give you a little challenge in the meantime !

It was proposed by V00D00W1Z4RD in one of their comments and the challenge (as you saw in the title) consists of :

Creating a video in which you voice lines from the book following the narration ! Kind of like dubbing the book, ya see ?

To be honest, I myself, when I recorded the Stalker's lullaby, also recorded some lines from the book (especially those from Stalker's cause I'm a psycho and I have an ultimate problem with yanderes XD) but it's just not published yet cause I'm honestly lazy to edit the thing lol

Now I know that every time I propose challenges, it fails miserably but who cares lol ? And if it can help you to wait for the next chapter XD

Ofc you're not forced or obliged in any way at all, it's just for fun and feel free to do whatever you want ^^

Rules for the dub (those are, in general, the rules I give off for all of my projects, btw, especially games YouTubers want to play in a video ;-)):

1) Mention I'm the creator (my whole pseudonym is Eevee_gfi to differentiate from all the Eevees X))

2) Link back to the original story/fic/project so that curious people can check it out if wanted

3) Add in the description #DubMyGuardianDemon on YouTube so that everyone can find it, I may make a playlist with all your videos ;-)

4) I'd love to see what you did so I'd like you to send me what you've done ^^ (it's not to bash you at all or to ask you to delete this shit, it's just cause I'd adore to see it, no matter what it is), you can mention me on Twitter and Wattpad or send the link in the messages or via an email.

5) Have fun ! ;-)

I will grant my eternal respect to the person who accepts the challenge of dubbing that one line from Stalker-san in chapter 12 (the guys living without lungs and spamming his love to his little Koki XD)

By the way, while I'm at it, if some of you don't know, ofc fanarts and any kind of fan works are allowed on my projects

Now, I feel like I sound like "pls make fanart of what I created" ^^" so this is kinda... embarassing but that's not what I mean ofc, I was simply asked the question once or twice for other projects and since I'm giving off the rules for the dub challenge well... here you go, this is the occasion ! ^^

(Thanks again for yours KonamiSan7 btw ;-) ^^)

Rules for fanarts / fan works :

1) Don't say the story/fic is yours

2) Mention it's from the fic "My Guardian Demon"

3) If possible (I know some fan works on Twitter where you only have like 300 characters allowed), mention the project/story was created by me, once again, my pseudonym is Eevee_gfi

4) If possible (not obliged), link back to this fic

5) I would love to see what you did, this could literally make my day ^^
(you can send me the link or mention me on Twitter and Wattpad -you can't on YouTube X)- and there are my contact infos in my profile if you need ;-))

Well my wrist starts hurting again so I won't bother it anymore, I hope I didn't sound too arrogant or too strict with credit rules, that's not my purpose at all X)

Hope you guys will have fun anyway and will enjoy the next chapters when I'll be able to publish them ! ^^

Thanks again for your comments and your support, you have no idea how much this means to me and how much your reactions and feedbacks make me happy !

See ya, ultimates !

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