Chapter 4 : Nako and Cherry

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Nope. No ingame Kokichi in this chapter, this is still pregame don't worry, there's just some new characters who appear in this chapter inspired by the DICE members.

Also, I'm tired of writing Kaito's and Gonta's names especially Gonta's it's so long god XD

And there's something else before starting this chapter... I've also written a bunch of one-shots based on Danganronpa and I was wondering if you would like to read them ?

That means I'll also have to translate them is English

If you want to, here's the one-shots I've written so far  so vote/comment for the one you'd like to read first :

_I fell into their trap and undestood it too late (centered on Rantaro, during chapter 1, spoiler chapter 1 and 6)

_Two different memories (centered on Kokichi, during chapter 5, spoiler chapter 6)

_You're not alone (featuring my otp from Goodbye Despair, during the resolution in chapter 6)

_In the end, thanks to him... we kept our promise (no spoiler, except a tiny spoiler for the end of chapter 2 but it's basically shuichi getting kidnapped by DICE for Kokichi's childish reasons as always... or is it ?)

_Dark meeting ((probably will be in two parts X) basically what happened at the very beginning of V3 (spoiler chapter 6) except it's centered on Shuichi and another character)

That's all, ultimates ! On to the story !!


This morning, as every morning, once again -I think you're getting used to me starting every chapter that way- the piano notes from New World Order's theme suddenly wake me up.

Oh no... please... not now... 5 more minutes...

But my alarm clock doesn't seem to agree and keeps playing New World Order as if it was screaming to me « Yes ! Now !! »...

I sigh... why do nights have to be so short ? And why do the matress and blanket manufacuterer have to make them so soft and warm ? Do they at least know that making them that way takes away any envy or motivation to leave them and to wake up ?

Yeah, yeah... I got it... shut up a little please...

I yawn and put back my head on my pillow, reclosing my eyes... 5 more minutes...

« Kokichi... Kokichi ! Wake up, sweetie ! You're gonna be late ! »

« Hum... 5 more minutes... »

« You should have woken up 10 minutes ago ! »

« WHAT ?!? »

My mother's info put all my ideas right back into their rightuful places. At this moment, it seemed like all of my exhaustion had flown away.

« Oh no !! And I have my first lesson with that stupid witch !! If I'm late again, she's gonna kill me !! »

« Even more reason to hurry up then, I'll take care of your bag and your breakfast, don't be late ! »

« Ye-yes !! »

Wait... huh ? By standing up, my foot walked into something weird... a liquid...

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