Chapter 6 : Rain

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I'm so sorry Kokichi...

Also, please warn me if I made any mistakes so that I can correct those !


No need to wake me up this morning, New World Order ! I was so excited that I barely managed to sleep a little !

I think I've never been this happy about my birthday. The last years, it only appeared like a normal day. It was just a day like any other, with nothing particular happening. I would just become one year older and possibly more mature. I would only eat a birthday cake with my mother - and my father if I was lucky- there was never anything happening or any celebration for my birthday.

But today... this year... it's different...

No... not just today... starting today, it will be different...

It's such a shame Saihara-kun can't come with us, hopefully we'll the opportunity to have fun anyway when his birthday comes.

I quickly made my bed, put some water on my face to wake me up, made my little morning preparation ritual before going down the stairs and have lunch with my parents.

« Ah ! Morning, Kokichi ! Happy birthday, sweetie ! »

« Morning mom ! Thank you ! »

« 17 years old... my little baby is such a grown-up boy now... » she sighs out of nostalgia while kissing my forehead.

« Dad is not here ? »

« He's got some work to absolutely finish due to tomorrow, Monday. He told me to apologize to you for him. »

« Oh... Okay... I didn't know he had so much work... »

His superiors really give him so much work... It's kinda sad he can't even find enough time for wishing a 'happy birthday' to his son...

But... Dad's also working so hard for me, to live in a nice house and to pay my tuition fees... I'd better avoid complaning... Not like he chose himself to get more work on a weekend

« When do you leave, Koki ? »

« We agreed to meet at 3pm at the mall so... I'll be leaving at 2pm... »

« That early ?! »

« Well... you know... Bus may be late so... »

« Hi hi hi ! I believe this is something else ! I believe you're just too impatient to be able to celebrate your birthday with you friends ! »

« M-Maybe... »

No use trying to hide it... especially to my mother... mothers always know everything, everyone know that...

« I'm glad, Koki. You seem happier recently, ever since you've met those high schoolers. Your stuttering is also getting better ! You're improving a lot ! »


I guess that's true... I'm starting to get used to talk a lot and about my problems to my parents and my friends so I'm stuttering less than I used to before... Now that I think about it, sometimes, I even say a whole sentence without stuttering at all... I really did improve on that...

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