Chapter 16 : Abandoned

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Disclaimer : I already started writing the next chapters but don't get fooled, they'll also take time to be published because :

1) got work

2) private problems

3) they're pretty difficult to write coz there's a sort of a evolution going around and it's harder than what I thought to write about it in a way that makes sense and does not make things evolve too quickly or abruptly without a good reason, I need to rewrite chapters 17 and 18 a bit

I may give you guys a challenge to make you wait in the meantime, it was proposed by one of you btw ^^



*tap tap tap tip tap*

The sound of the keyboard touches being pushed down one after another echoed weakly throughout the room.

Fingers push them quickly, one after another to write something on the computer.

This something is a homework. A literature homework, to be more precise. From what I know, the subject is « what is the tone the author wants to give off about his story in this introduction ? ».

This author is Albert Camus. This story is « L'étranger ». And this introduction is apparently something not very interesting according to the student obliged to write this homework.

And... this student... is Shuichi. He's on the computer, finishing typing his homework he should hand out in a few days. I don't have anything to do and can't do anything, not even move my legs or my fingers, so I'm watching him working.

From time to time, he senses my gaze fixated on him and turns his head to look at me. At first, he would ask me if something's wrong, why I am staring at him. And I didn't want him to believe I admire him or something stupid of the sort so I would look away.

Now, he understood I simply do it because I'm bored and this is the only thing I could think of to get 'busy' : « admiring him». Which does absolutely not bother him ! Like at all !


It hurts... my whole body is hurting... I can't move anything... but I'm sick being stuck in this position... being forced to stay laid down... having hands unable to grab any object, even a pen, and having motionless legs...

The only thing I can do is crying... but if I dare do it, then Shuichi will immediately stop and ask me « what's wrong, sweetie ? » with his fake sweet voice. And then, I'd be doomed. Because either I stay silent and he doesn't like me not answering ; or I lie and he noti-huh... no wait... you already know. I already told you.


I wanna go home...

I know I've already said it... I know this must be the 100th time I've said it but I really do... this is the only thing I want right now... I've never wished for something so simple right now...

I... I really wanna go back home...

« Phew ! Waaaah... alright, enough for today... ah... this is so annoying... but, at least, you don't need to worry about this kind of things anymore, right beloved ? »

Because you locked me up in here and you're helping me from going to school ? I guess this is a way of saying how things are... asshole.

« How are your legs, sweetie ? Do they hurt ? »

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