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A mistake repeated more than once is a decision

Kyron pulls into the driveway of his grandma's house, as she walks out onto the porch

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Kyron pulls into the driveway of his grandma's house, as she walks out onto the porch.

His grandma Jayla always thought something was wrong with her grand baby although he was closed off she knew he wasn't always like that, she just wanted to understand where the sudden change came from, what turn of events cause this.

"Hey baby, I made you some breakfast to start you off on your first day." Jayla said excitedly clasping her hands together, his grandma made the best food, her grits was better, her eggs were better, everything tasted better than his ma's food cause he grandma could throw down.

Kyron smiled appreciatively before following his grandma in the house as she shut the screen door and locked it, immediately grabbing himself a plate and fixing it he sits down digging in.

Feeling burning eyes on him he looks up seeing his grandma smile as him happily, "Must be good." She said cockily crossing her arms over her chest.

Tooting his lip up at his grandmother playfully he doesn't answer, "I know it's good." She answered for him, coming around the counter sitting next to him, "You ready for college?" She questioned.

Shrugging his shoulders, "I mean I know what to expect but I don't know if I'm ready, this is a new chapter for me that I'm opening." He replies solemnly.

"Baby you don't have to go if you want, if you try-"his grandma started, "Naw it's good I wanna go, I wanna get out and be social and all that, tryna change for the better." Making his grandma's eyes furrow.

His grandma didn't know what he meant by changing for the better, but she knew it wasn't good. She wanted to ask him what he meant but she decided to keep that to herself.

"Well baby imma let you get going, call me and tell me all about you first day." She said pulling me into a hug soon as he got to the door.

"Bye Og." He says returning the hug, pecking her on the cheek.

"Boy don't call me that silly old nickname." She demanded playfully, she didn't care how much she hated her grandchildren calling her that it never got old and she didn't want to admit how she lover when they called her O.G.


"My Nigga think he the shit cause he going to school."Jah yells on the other side of the phone.

Jah loved Kyron like a brother and he was honestly happy he was going to college, although college wasn't for Jah one day he would go and get his business degree.

Him and Kyron were thick as thieves, from when they got in the drug game at 15 till they got out last year, Jah was honestly happy they got out when they could because he wasn't looking forward to putting on anymore more black suits and going to funerals.

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