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"You really out here in college and shit

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"You really out here in college and shit." Kyron's homeboy Dasani said shaking his head in amazement.

"Yea my nigga smart as fuck." Jahron said, as his phone pinged signaling someone texted him.

"Why yo ass ain't in college with him?" Dasani asked with a mug.

Jahron's facial expression changed immediately before looking Dasani up and down, "Nigga shut up, was I talking to you?"

Dasani and Jahron were glaring at each other like no other, causing Kyron to feel uncomfortable immediately.

"Yall chill now, yall my niggas ain't no need for that type of energy." Kyron says pulling Jahron away because he knew he'd swing first.

Dasani felt jealously stir up in his gut, Kyron was like a brother, and he didn't like how he had up and left him and now returning with some nigga he wasn't familiar with.

Staring at Dasani with a flaring nose, Jahron couldn't help but rub him the wrong way.

Jahron rolled his eyes before walking off from the conversation, Kyron shook his head "Yall gon' start fucking with each other and stop this bs."


Kyron walked out of class figuring he was going to his parents' house later on; they swear up and down he wasn't visiting enough for someone who lived in the city.

As Kyron quickly texted his mom that he'd be over later, he sees an unread message from Jasmine.

Hey wondering if you wanna link up? - Jasmine

Didn't she have a boyfriend? He thought as he approached his car, thoughts swarming through his head until his name was called.

"KYRON." a tired Seyan ran up to him out of breath.

"Damn nigga you walk fast." She says as she looks up at me causing me to look her up and down her chocolate skin glowing in the sun.

"Why you looking at me like that?" She asks tilting her head, as she clicked her tongue.

When he didn't answer she changed the subject, "Anyways you got a plug?" She asks smoothing out her pants as she avoided eye contact with Kyron.

Seyani's stash was getting smaller and smaller and she needed it so she didn't have to put up with Jameer's bullshit.

"Yea I gotchu, just hit me up later and we can link later this week." He says with a shrug as she walked off when the conversation was finished.

Kyron watched as her ass switched left from right tucking his lip in he gets into his car so he can go ahead and see what's up with his parents.

The car ride was silent filled with thoughts of his conversation with Seyani before his parents house came into view.

As Kyron pulled into his parents driveway he could help but notice that Sonja's car in the driveway.

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