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Tears are words that need to be written.

"Chey thank you for having my back

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"Chey thank you for having my back." I say as I hug her before boarding.

"Bitch you we riders for life, and that's on what." She says pursing her lips.

"That's on mf period." I finish off doing the hand motion. After I fought that ugly hoe, I decided to leave the next day cause it was too much stress and I was also starting college next week.

I hug Chey before boarding my flight, seeing her as she struts out of the building.

I turn on Kayla Nicole bundles as I take a seat next to this old white man, "Excuse me ma'am can I occupy that seat next to you." This woman asked gripping her belly, as sweat adorned her face.

I smile a little bit nodding my head, "Thank you." She whispered putting on her seatbelt.


Seyani grips her pink bag as the taxi drops her off at the place she's residing, a black Toyota Camry sits on the curb of the house, who the hell does that belong to she wondered.

She texts Chey letting her know she made it home safely, opening a message that Sariyah sent her a while ago.

She take out the key she was given and unlocking the door, hearing multiple voices, ignoring it She make her way upstairs, stopping when her name was called, "Seyani come here sweetie your father is back from his business trip, and your brother and his fiancée are here." Harmony said breathlessly.

Gritting her teeth, Seyani puts on a smile which looks more like a grimace as she greets her "father" she almost scoffed at the word.

Jameer almost cried with joy when he set his eyes on yani she looked just like her mother, "I've missed you so much my child, you look so beautiful."

A smaller part of Seyani wanted to forgive her father, but the other part said fuck him, he left her and her mother to build some dream, "Thank you." She says as he pulls her into a hug.

Harmony could sense the tension, trying to ease it, "Seyani this is Giovanni your older brother and his wife Carmen." Seyani looks over at the dude who looked exactly like my father but had some features that belonged to Harmony.

"Hey." His wife Carmen says shaking my hand enthusiastically, she was a caramel woman with freckles and hazel eyes, slim waist and chubby cheeks.

She seemed nice but Seyani wasn't going to make any judgments yet, "Hello." pursing her lips Carmen looks over Seyani's figure and couldn't help but feel an ounce of jealousy she was gorgeous literally.

"Oh my gosh you are literally gorgeous." Carmen says happily rubbing her nonexistent belly.

"Hello Seyani it is a pleasure to meet you." Giovanni says smiling, he hoped Seyani didn't remember how they first met, he had changed and he actually wanted to get to know her.

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