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"Sir." Seyani started as she tapped Kyron's shoulder, he had his airpods in as he brushed his teeth.

Kyron glanced over at her briefly before washing his face thoroughly.

She snapped her head back when he didn't answer, before walking away, he just be having attitudes out of no where.

Seyani walked towards his bed before plopping down, her head falling back against the mattress.

"What was it you wanted to talk about?" He asks as he walked out the bathroom pulling her off the bed so they could sit in the living room.

"How do you know Jameer?" She asked squinting her eyes at him.

An insecure part of her was suspecting him of being a spy for him and if it was true it was going to be bad for both parties.

"I'm friends with Giovanni your brother we went to school together and I was around your father a lot back then." He answered unsurely, as she looked him up and down trying to see if he was lying.

She narrowed her eyes at him when he addressed Giovanni as her brother.

"That's not my brother."

"Ight,calm down now why you and Jasmine fight?"

Seyani didn't really know why her and Jasmine fought, one moment they were cool and the next they weren't, she was starting to suspect it had something to do with Kyron.

"I don't even must know I linked up with her and her lil friends and she was on some weird shit."

"I suspect it had something to do with you."

Kyron snapped his head back, "what I do?" He questioned scrunching his eyebrows up.

Nigga look at yourself.

"Now you know she obsessed with you, you seen how she was looking at you at that party."

Now that he actually thought about it, her behavior was starting to make sense, she always got weird when he came around.

"I wasn't stuntin that girl."

Kyron looked down when he felt his phone vibrate.

"Man be fucking forreal." Looking at the message from his mom.

Kyron was tired, he had to wake up early and finish up this assignment for his sociology class.

"You okay." She reassured seeing how upset he was getting.

She pulled him into her chest, rubbing his back, hearing his soft snores vibrating through out the room.


Kyron sighed in exhaustion as he walked into his parents house, his stomach grumbled at the smell of the food before making his way towards the kitchen.

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