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"Hey Ky," Seyani said greeting him as he was dressed in a fitted black turtleneck and black jeans with a silver chain adorning his neck

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"Hey Ky," Seyani said greeting him as he was dressed in a fitted black turtleneck and black jeans with a silver chain adorning his neck. Ky had always dressed a bit conservatively, but it was fine as hell to her, he'd show a little chest every once in a while.

"What time we supposed to be going to your ma's house again?" she asked as she finished slipping into her dress, that matched his attire.

"Uhm, we need to be heading out in about twenty." he responded watching her as she fixed her hair.

"How I look?" she asked doing a little twirl in front of him.

"You look good mamas," he said using the nickname he'd been calling her recently, he grabbed her hand pulling her out of his apartment.

They both got into the car, as she pulled the seatbelt over her chest and buckled herself in, as they pulled out of the parking lot.

"You ready to meet my folks?"

"I mean..." she starts but drifts off, but Kyron nods his head knowing what she meant, considering everything he'd told her, he knew it was going to take everything in her not to go off on them.

He'd specifically told Tyrion to tell his parents to not invite Sonya and that he was bringing his girl with him.


✰At the birthday venue

Tyrion puts the gifts that he'd got Kyron on the gift table as he looks around the venue to make sure everything was straight.

His mother and father both walked up to him, " Hey when's Kyron supposed to be here?" His mother asked anxiously as she rubbed her sweaty palms against her dress.

"Uhm inna about twenty." Tyrion said unsurely, "And don't forget Kyron supposed to be bringing his girlfriend with him so don't be on no sus activity."

Sonya froze when she heard Tyrion said that before jumping into the conversation, "He's bringing a what with him, and he didn't let us know beforehand."

Tyrion's eye twitch, "Aye I thought I told yall not to invite this fucking weirdo to my brother party." He yelled causing family members to look over listening.

"Tyrion stop cursing." His mother spoke sternly.

Tyrion turned to Sonya with a deadly look in his eyes, "Man bitch you got five fucking minutes, I swear." He said but Sonya looked at him unfazed and just was ready for Kyron to get here so he could clear up the confusion of people thinking he had a girlfriend, she thought she had broken him beyond repair for him to even think about getting in a relationship, she thought he'd come running back to her.

His mother, Alayna gave him another look, " Boy you betta stop playing with me." she said.

Tyrion nodded deciding to be cool for right now before he walked off to the bathroom, he shut the door adjusting his wire because he planned to get this bitch to confess, he knew his parents would brush off Kyron not wanting Sonya here as they'd been doing his whole life.

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