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Kyron's phone ringed again, as he walked out of the bathroom, seeing his sister calling his phone

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Kyron's phone ringed again, as he walked out of the bathroom, seeing his sister calling his phone.

He finally decided to answer after seeing her send him a message with a bunch of curse words.

"Why are you ignoring mama? "Amelia asked as soon as he picked up, sighing softly, he rolls his eyes before muting the phone.

One thing Kyron hated was whenever he was in a disagreement with someone in his family, his mother or sister felt the need to try and check him about it and he wasn't explaining himself to no one.

"Me and her had a disagreement." He responded not going into detail, because he felt like the only time his family wanted to actually have a conversation with him was if he was mad at one of them.

His mind couldn't help but drift to Seyani, she'd been on his mind a lot especially since the kiss. The corner of his lips quirked up as he thought about her facial expression after she kissed him.

"What me and mama got going on doesn't concern you." he says watching as his sister's face contorted to a mug.

"See I Told ma not to even try with you, Sonya has been around our family for years and now you feel some type of way about her out of nowhere." She says as her location changes in the background.

"Not about to kiss yo ass." She mutters as she hangs up.

"It wasn't out of nowhere." he wanted to say but his sister's face disappeared from the screen, and he knew she hung up.

TW ahead

"I don't want to hear it Kyron. "Alayna says holding her pointer finger towards her son's lips.

"You've been acting out ever since Sonya came around." She says watching as he turns away from her scrutinizing gaze.

"She's watching you and your siblings tonight, If I get any complaints from her on your behavior things are not going to look nice for you."

"But ma, she makes me play weird games." Kyron pouted just as Sonya walked into the house.

He watched as his parents walked out the door in each other's embrace.

Every time Kyron tried to tell his mom about Sonya, she always thought he was either lying or jealous of Sonya.

She always occupied his siblings so they're never around when anything even happens.

Kyron was slowly losing trust and faith in his parents, he was mentally and physically tired, it's like every time she was around, she had some new tricks up her sleeves.

"Hey Tyrion and Amara, I have some treats for you if you can leave Aunt Sonya alone for a while." She says her eyes naturally gravitating towards Kyron as he tugs on his sleeves. Tyrion and Amara run towards her taking the candy before disappearing off to their rooms.

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