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Even if we can't control the situation behind us, we always can choose where we're directing our attention.

"Hey I have an appointment with Dr

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"Hey I have an appointment with Dr. Jameson today." Kyron says as he watches the receptionist type on the keyboard without looking up.

"Oh, I see you, Kyron Evans here for the 2:00 appointment?" She questions sweetly for reassurance.

"Yes ma'am." He says moving the rubber band he wore up a bit more on his wrist to apply some pressure.

Following behind the receptionist as he was showed the way to the appointment, she starts talking out of nowhere.

"Yea baby, mental health is very important, don't no youngin wanna be getting with some crazy boy." She says turning to look if I was listening.

Kyron didn't know where she was tryna get at, but it seemed she was implying that he was crazy; rolling his eyes as she continued to talk as they neared the office.

"Bye baby, good luck." She says patting his shoulder in a comforting way before walking off.

Just as Kyron was about to knock on the door, it was snatched open by a middle-aged woman with honey-colored eyes and a chocolate complexion.

"Come on in baby." She smiles comfortingly, opening the door wider.

Her desk symmetrical to the seats that were aligned almost perfectly, as she sat down and analyzed me.

"Mrs. Jameson?" He questioned squinting his eyes unsurely.

"Oh hun, you can call me Miranda." She says calmly with a soft smile on her face.

"So, Kyron, tell me about yourself starting from you name, where you were born." She says clasping her hands down pulling her clipboard closer to her.

"Isn't that in my files?" He questioned trying not to sound rude.

"It is but I want to hear it from you." She says smiling.


Kyron walks out of the office, feeling like a weight lifted off his shoulders.

"Bye Kyron, see you next Tuesday." Miranda waves as she watches him make his way out of the building.

His phone dings as he looks down and sees a text from Jah to meet him at Waffle House.

Kyron gets in his car, and pulls off as he gets a phone call from an unknown number.

"Talk to me." He says as he pulls into the lane that goes to Waffle House.

"Hello is this Kyron Evans?" A voice spoke over the phone.

"Yea, wassup." He says pulling into the parking spot.

"Hello, sir we're calling to inform you that we have an apartment free at Parkline Palms." The voice replies.

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