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Silence is an argument carried out by other means.

I walk downstairs, clutching my bag on my back as I grab a nutrition bar from the pantry ignoring my family

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I walk downstairs, clutching my bag on my back as I grab a nutrition bar from the pantry ignoring my family.

"Seyani." She heard her father call, she rolls her eyes in annoyance before grabbing a water from out the fridge.

"Seyani." He called again, anger lacing his tone.

"What." I yell dragging my words out, turning to look at him annoyance on features.

"You can't keep ignoring me." He starts sadness in his eyes.

"Man miss me with that shit, for I be late to my class." Brushing him off I walk outside, slamming the door.

I make my way towards my silver Honda Accord, I had got it shipped down here. It was so fucking expensive, but I'm not letting no one drive my car all the way down here.

I shut my door, putting the key in the ignition the radio coming on and Bia whole lotta money ft Nikki Minaj starts playing.

"Aye yo Bia I just hit the block all these bitches wanna be ya." I rap pulling onto the highway.

I go to NSU, it was only 40 sum minutes from her father's house, I didn't mind the distance but I hate being alone with my thoughts I'm always thinking some dumb shit that's gone stress me out.

He acts like he's innocent in this situation, he just needs to wake the fuck up and realize why we don't have the relationship that he wants us to have.

Acting like a damn man child.

I can't wait to get my own shit so I won't have to deal with his bullshit and the rest they asses too.


Location: NSU
10:00 a.m.

Seyani chose a class in the morning so she wouldn't have to go at night plus she might get a job.

She only had two classes today so after she left her first class she just go get some food or something since her next class isn't till like 1:00.

Sighing loudly she makes it there on time with 10 minutes to spare, running into a random building she wasn't sure of this was the building her class was located in.

She should of took her ass to orientation week, but she was mentally drained and couldn't deal with anything at the moment.

Cutting around the corner she bumps into someone, a groan was heard as the person collided with the floor.

"My bad." She apologizes seeing this girl get up brushing herself off.

"You good." Loooking in awe when she saw the gorgeous dark skin girl, "Im Jasmine." She says holding her hand out.

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