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Seyani's life had took a drastic change since she last saw Kyron, she had finally got out of her father's house

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Seyani's life had took a drastic change since she last saw Kyron, she had finally got out of her father's house.

Her phone pinged as she looked down seeing her aunt calling, she quickly declined the call before checking her other messages noticing she had a message from a couple of her clients.

Seyani knew she was prideful but she wasn't messing with how her aunt ratted out her business to her husband's family.

She looked down noticing she a had a message from her father to see if she was coming over for dinner.

"Closure." She muttered softly before grabbing her Totebag that held her school necessities and heading out.

All she wanted was closure from her father and then after that she was wiping her hands clean with him. The respect she once had for him was now gone and it had been gone for years.

She ran her hand through her hair as she walked into university.

She walked into her English literature, not before sitting her bag into  the covies that sat next to the door of the class room.

She went to her assigned seat noticing a face she never cared to pay attention to sitting there, it was Lisa Jasmine's cousin.

Sighing in annoyance, she sits into the seat ignoring her curious gaze.

"Today we're going to be discussing the argumentative essay that's due in two weeks along with your persuasive essay that needs to have a very educational topic and depict very detailed reasons no biases." She stated as Seyani jotted potential essay topics down.

A sense of contentment was what Seyani was currently feeling, not only had she managed to remove herself from a toxic environment but she now had a way of income.

Kyron had texted her yesterday and she left him on read, she didn't know whether she wanted to talk to him or not .

She was guilty, her cousin was right, she was treating Kyron unfairly, he hadn't expressed whether he liked her not.

Class had ended earlier than she expected, rushing out of the classroom she bumped into a chest, she bounced off their chest and just as she was about to fall back towards the floor, she was steadied onto their chest.

Her eyebrows drew together at the familiar cologne that filled her nose.

"Hey Kyron." She greeted, noticing how he looked her up and down before looking back into her face.

Her lip tooted up when he didn't say anything back, she tilted her head to the side, "something wrong with your mouth?"She questioned noticing how his jaw clenched.

She smirked inwardly know she got a reaction out him, " you think you can just ignore my shit and leave me on read and think shit cool." He spat as her eyes widened at the tone in his voice.

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