[Gender Neutral] Engie x Reader ~ Philophobia (Oneshot)

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Your life was far from a perfect one, though you supposed that was true for every mercenary that ended up here. Each person dealt with their trauma in different ways and you chose the route of silence. It wasn't as if you didn't talk to the others, in fact you spoke with them all of the time, it was more so that you never liked getting close to any of them. All of your personal life was kept away from the team, not that there was much of one at the moment. You tried to keep to yourself, to keep the inner workings of your head a secret.

But that man had managed to sneak past every one of your defenses.

You hadn't noticed it at first. The way his sweet southern voice carried made you blind to his actions. It was only when he was already too close that you noticed. The way he always made sure you were doing okay, how the two of you never stopped wanting to be around each other and even when he'd help you out without you having to ask. It was becoming quite clear that the two of you were getting closer and it honestly terrified you. You didn't want people close, you didn't want anyone or anything to be close enough to hurt you. It was a fear that had hung with you for years and he was bringing it back to light.

When you noticed that you had let him close you quickly tried to push him away. You made yourself busy with anything that wasn't him, you scheduled around his day as best you could to avoid him. Even with your effort though you couldn't stay away. He always seemed to find time for you, willing to drop his projects if it meant spending a few extra minutes with you. It became harder and harder to get away and you found the love-starved part of yourself begging to be around him. You never wanted to be away, but you were terrified of staying. So your conflicted state left you in inaction.

It was as normal a day as any. The sun hadn't broken over the horizon yet but the lightening shades of blue in the sky signalled early morning. So early that even Soldier was still asleep. One might believe that during this hour not a single person was up.

They would be wrong.

Now what psychopaths would be up this early in the morning? What utter lunatics would skip out on much needed sleep? What absolute mental cases would subject themselves to gruelling training the day before and still not immediately collapse into bed? Well the only two that could function with little to no sleep, Engie and you. The two of you could be found deep in conversation talking over mathematical equations and solutions to your intricate problems as your hands messed with the latest machine. In times like this where you were both hyper-focused on the task at hand neither paid attention to the small gestures you both made toward one another. Things like the small compliments or the slightly prolonged stares. To any outsider it would be obvious that the two of you had something going on. One might even suggest that you look like a couple. The two of you were completely oblivious though.

Well you more so than Dell.

As of recently Dell has been secretly keeping an eye out for those gestures from you. Why would he only pay attention to them now? Well because he just realized not too long ago that he had fallen in love...

Like head over heels, tripping over his tongue, damn if I could only keep you in my pocket kind of love.

He had been that way for a while but only recently noticed it when Spy and Heavy pointed out his strange behaviour around you. After some evaluation he had realized that you were the reason he always had a lopsided grin on his face, the reason he got through most of his days, and the reason he had become ineffective enough on the battlefield for some of the men to notice. Once he had come to that conclusion though he realized there was a final question he must ask himself.

Did you feel the same?

The question brought a lot of anxiety to the poor man's mind and, after a few nights of trying to work up the courage to just ask if you felt the same, he decided that there was no way he was sacrificing this relationship in the hopes that you might feel the same. He had fallen way to hard and he didn't think he could bare losing you. He rarely ever experienced this in his life and every time he did he always had his heart broken with rejection, he didn't want this to be a repeat of any of those.

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