Soldier x Blind Reader ~ I'm Right Here (Oneshot)

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Soldier had respected you ever since day one. You put him in his place with a quick sparring session and ever since you had him pinned to the ground he's had a bit more respect for you than the others...he's never really had a woman take him down before...unfortunately that did not make him go any easier on you. He trained you just as hard if not harder then the rest of the men. He wanted to see you succeed. He wanted to see you kick some communist ass! And he sure as hell wasn't about to let you go soft. You became his training buddy and the more he was around the more he saw about you...he saw the fire in had always had a burning determination when it came to really anything. You could be spitting out teeth but you'd just keep going...

He really liked that about you...

It showed on the battlefield as well. You could be filled to the brim with bullet holes but you'd still keep fighting until you bled out. You refused to surrender or back down. You and him clicked pretty well. He told you everything and you told him everything...

You liked his loyalty. You knew that if you were ever in a tough situation you could call for him and he'd be there. You were the closest to the American lunatic which means you got to see his soft side. When he wasn't gunning people down or training he tended to his raccoon friends and was actually pretty interesting to talk to. He had a way of making the most boring things an adventure. You two had each other's backs and with your combined power, you were unstoppable. No one could find anything either of you were even remotely scared of...but there was one thing you planned on taking to your grave...

Your fear of the dark

But at this moment in time none of that mattered. You had been peacefully sleeping around two minutes ago but now you were trying to fight off an enemy Spy that had made it into your room. You two threw each other around for a while, knocking stuff over along the way. Unfortunately, he had the upper hand since one, you literally woke up two minutes ago, and two, he had been prepared for a fight. At this point you had managed to get rid of any weapon he had but that was after you had sustained plenty of stab wounds. Somehow he got a grip on the back of your neck and he pulled the final move. With all of the force he could, he slammed your head into the corner of your dresser. You fell to the ground. After taking a moment to catch his breath and fix that stupid suit of his he looked down to you. A grin played on his lips.

"I zink I'll leave you as an example..." were the last words you heard before completely blacking out.

30 minutes later


The loud sound just barely managed to pull you from your forced sleep. You remembered that today was a ceasefire, you and Soldiers training day. You felt your eyelids raise but all you saw was...


"NOW IS NO TIME FOR SLEEPING! WAKE UP OR I AM GOING IN THERE!" You started turning your head in different directions trying to look around but strangely there was nothing. Not black just...


You began to panic, trying to remember what had happened. After receiving no answer from you, Soldier did just what he said he would. He slammed your door open and saw you on the floor. He grew confused.

"What are you doing on the floor private!?" Due to the lack of lighting all he could see was the outline of you. You turned toward the noise but your eyes didn't meet his. You started frantically blinking your eyes before asking.

"Soldier? W-what...what's happening?" You replied with a stutter in your voice. You were never easily scared but it's hard not to be terrified when you hear a voice so close but see nothing...not black...

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