Yandere Merc Dads (Engie, Pyro, Scout)

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Engies acquiring of you was...complicated. See he had resigned himself to a life with no kids. Despite the pressure from his family to get a wife and kids so that the family legacy could go on, some part of him knew that the cycle of Conager's wasn't healthy. A deep morality in him knew that he really shouldn't, that stopping the cycle of neglect and Mann Co puppets was something he needed to take on. However, when Pauling came by his workshop with a baby in hand that she was trying to convince him to take?...well a long forgotten instinct snapped once he saw your wide innocent eyes and how they looked at him with such great unknowing of the world. Engie had tried to push Pauling and you away at first, trying to stick to his own set of rules, but he didn't hold that resolve for long. Not when every other part of his mind was screaming to just allow this to happen.

"Paulin this- this really ain't a good idea-"

"You think I don't know that? I understand what I'm doing Mr Conager. I know what I'm asking you to do and I know it's batshit. Now, can you do it or not?"

He was very cautious of you at first. He took care of you, but he tried to distance himself from it. He couldn't grow attached. He knew he'd have to give you away the moment he had a chance to save you from this life. However, he couldn't fight his own programming, not when you sought him for comfort, for guidance, for care. Not when you relied on him, needed him. And so, when the opportunity had presented itself to give you away...he couldn't.

"Dell! I talked to the admin and I think I'm getting closer to getting a yes! I might be able to find an orphanage to give them to-"

"An orphanage? Ah don't know Paulin, that don't sound rahght. Never heard nothin good come from those places. Look, Ah appreciate the effort, but at this point we best leave the admin alone. Ah don't need her upset with me."

"...oh...are you sure? This could be your only chance-"

"Ah'm sure"

From that point on you become his child and by god does he treat you as such. He came from a cold home, one mostly of neglect; a machine of genius makers. So he knew that if he was going to drag you into this that he'd at least have to be the best father he could. And with that came a need to keep you safe and keep you as his own. Despite his growing overprotective nature, he made sure to keep it hidden well. To everyone else, he was just a good dad there for his kid. Behind closed doors though, he felt growing violence in his mind.

"Well now sweetpea, what's on your mahnd?"

"...Scout was being mean to me"

"Well that ain't no good. What he say?"

"He said you're not my real dad. Th-That you didn't want me! He's such a liar! A-And so- so mean!"

"Oh...did he now..."

He always has tabs on you. Cameras are set watching your every move and god forbid you somehow leave their sights. He knows it isn't healthy to need to know where you are always, but whenever he doesn't know he gets extremely paranoid and skittish as he thinks about every terrible possibility of what could happen to you. It's only soothed when he's able to stare through a camera and see you.

Crash- Bang!


"Oh Mary mother in heaven Y/n. *sigh*...guess Ah gotta go help..."

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