Which Part Of The Body They Love Most On You (HC)

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A/N: So I'm working on a lot of longer oneshots/books right now but I don't want to leave you guys with nothing. So take this quick little Headcannon thing ^-^


Scout: Hair

This man loves hair. He loves running his fingers through it, brushing it, and making failed attempts at putting it up. If you let him he will spend literal hours just messing with it as it puts him in an absolute trance.

This obsession with your hair stems from two reasons. The smaller of the two is that it keeps you near him. He has to be closer than an arm's length to mess with your hair, meaning that you are most likely very close to him as he does so. Basically he'll trap you with him just to mess with your hair.

The second reason is that it's one of the only things that calm him down. He has widely swinging emotions in both negative and positive directions and it's only through the simple act of running his hands through your hair that he'll calm down. It helps whenever he's frustrated and thus he'll seek you out when he's feeling strong emotions just to make sure he doesn't snap at someone or annoy them with his constant talking, as he's often prone to doing when you're not around.

Engie - Hands

He's a man for hands. Small, big, soft, calloused he loves them all, though he does have a preference for softer hands because he loves feeling the contrast with his.

He expresses a hell of a lot through his hands. The simple act of holding someone else's hand can have so many different meanings and he loves to explore them all. The joyful hold when he uses them to pull someone closer, the melancholy smiles that come from letting go for the final goodbye, the comfort the simple gesture could bring in dark moments, he knew them all.

His biggest reason for his inclination to hands is that it helps him feel a bit more secure. Feeling hands against his face or intertwined between his fingers grounds him enough to know that whoever he's with isn't leaving anytime soon. He adores the feeling of melting into the touch of hands and using his own to bring the same comfort.

Pyro - Voice

Pyro absolutely loves the sound of your voice. Talking or singing they don't care. They just want to hear sounds leave your lips in any pleasant way.

This mostly has to do with the fact that people tend to ignore or run away from them, so people directly talking to them isn't very common, which means they seek any sort of recognition. So when your attention is on them enough for you to try and talk with them it makes them feel noticed and thus extremely giddy.

Singing makes them completely melt, especially if it's singing for them. They already love the sound of your voice, add a small melody to it and they want to hear nothing besides that.

Soldier - Arms

I think we all know where this is going.

He likes strong partners. Ones capable of snapping a guy's neck like it was nothing more than a brittle bone. So he's extremely drawn to muscled arms.

This stems from the fact that, despite his usual 'I can fight a whole army single handily' mentality, he wants someone to defend him sometimes. To beat the crap out of someone who wronged him or be there to pull him out of tough situations. He will never admit this, mostly because he probably doesn't even know that about himself, but he can't help but feel a rush of emotions every time he sees you put your head on the line to save him.

Spy - Face

Ah yes, the artificial one. He loves the beauty found in attractive features, the perfection found in symmetry, the aesthetics of the natural lottery...

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