[Gender Neutral] Engie x Reader ~ Built Up Stress (Oneshot)

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You were not a very confrontational person. You hated making anyone upset for really any reason and being yelled at for your own mistakes was probably the worst thing you think could ever happen to you. This is why it was so strange to see you in a place like this. You were surrounded by nine mercenarys, most of which were loud. Very very loud. You could practically hear Soldiers voice from the other side of the building! But thankfully you were never the cause of their screaming. You didn't work as a mercenary by any means. Sure you knew how to shoot a gun but that was mostly for self defense purposes. You were actually tasked as a nurse. Usually if someone had an injury that didn't result from a battle, they came to you. It was mostly because the administor had Medic working on a few experiments and she didn't need him bothering with small injuries every ten minutes. Ceasefire days were always busy days for you. They just couldn't seem to control themselves around each other, most of them couldn't even be in the same room for more than two minutes! But you digress.

Today just happened to be one of those days but one thousand times worse. There was a ceasefire so that a meeting could be held regarding your team's poor performance lately. You, obviously, weren't told to come to the meeting due to it not really being your job. You had also been informed that there would be a week long ceasefire so that your team could get themselves together and also because Medic had found some interesting information out while experimenting and needed to take a trip to go present his findings.


That left you as the only doctor left in the building on a week long ceasefire with more than easily agitated mercenaries.

This week was definitely going to be a pain in the ass

At least you had Engies workshop to head to when you wanted to decompress though. You always like it there. It was just loud enough with the sound of clanking of metal to drown out all the other men who were constantly screaming while also being quiet enough to help you relax. And thats not to mention that Engie was almost always there. For some reason the Texan always knew how to bring a smile to your face. His calm and polite demeanor meshed well with your slightly reserved nature. If there was anyone you could count on staying calm it was Engie. Hell you can't even remember seeing the man more than mildly annoyed. He wasn't afriad to stand his ground if he needed to, but he was always eerily calm about it. It was just the type of company you enjoyed having around.

Lately you have been enjoying it just a bit more though...

You found that your heart started to flutter at the sound of his voice and your face grew red when he spoke about you in any positive manner. To put it in simple terms you were falling for him. How could you not? His southern drawl lured you in and there was no resisting those emerald green eyes, even if seeing them was a rarity.

You wouldn't know what to do without him...

Once you had come to that realization you knew you had to confess to him. But you also knew you wouldn't have time with the week long ceasefire. So you made a promise to yourself that the day Medic is back you're going to take him out of the base for a night and find some really cheesy way to ask him out. He always liked those really cheesy romance movies.

You could only hope that he felt the same way you did.

Engie felt his blood begin to boil hotter and hotter in the passing months. His team was really starting to piss him off. How was he supposed to be able to do his job if no one was stopping any oncoming enemies long enough for him to build?! And that's not to mention the amount of times his own team had managed to blow up all of his hard work! And he was being blamed for this!? It was complete and utter bullshit!

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