Yandere Merc Dads (Spy, Soldier, Medic)

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You become his kid in a similar way you become Scouts. His wife dies at your birth and in doing so leaves a vacant hole on who will take care of you. However, the only way he's going to take you in is if he's not at the mercenary base anymore. So this would have to happen before or after joining the team.

"mon amour, s'il te plait...s'il te plait ne me quitte pas, s'il te plait ne pars pas-"

"Please don't cry for me. You have a child to take care of...don't make their legacy my death"

The moment he laid his eyes on you he was immediately obsessed. If he's being honest, that's how he felt at the birth of all of his children. But it was always a weak obsession in the beginning which was overpowered by the fear of what would happen if his work-life mixed with his personal life. So he had always left. Now though, without the option to leave you for your own good, that obsession was allowed to grow within him.

"Shhh, ne t'inquiète pas mon petit bijou, papa est là. Je sais, je sais...elle me manque aussi"

He's extremely protective but no one would be able to tell, even you. He knows where you are and what you're doing at any moment of the day and no matter how free you think you are you're always exactly where he wants you to be. Sure, you can have friends, but he's going to be the reason you meet them after he's practically picked them out for you. You want to go out with said friend? He'll subtly implant ideas of where you should go and what you should do until you choose them, thinking that you came up with them the entire time. Romantic partners? Yeah, he's definitely picking those. He'll cause whatever chain of events he has to. Everyone in your life is someone he put there and anyone who isn't is seen as a threat.

"Papa! Papa! I made a new friend!"

"Really? What's zeir name?"

"Lilly! They just moved in next door!"

"Oh really? Hm. What a lucky day for you zen petite bijou"

Spy always has eyes on you. Always. Whether it's his own or his most trusted workers. That being said, if say one of those workers happened to lose track of you or he happens to look away at just the wrong time...This isn't going to end well.

"What do you mean you lost track of zem!"

"I mean I was watching them and they ducked behind a building and didn't come back out! I don't know where they are!"

"You imbecile!"

His first objective is to find out where you are. He's going to every imaginable length to find you and nothing is going to stop him. He'll threaten and kill until he knows where you are and gods forbid it's somewhere unsafe. After he finds you he's immediately relieved. Unless you're in Immediate danger he won't directly appear but instead subtly direct you home through the environment. He doesn't want you knowing that he's watching you and popping up out of nowhere would compromise that. So he simply cools down from his panic in the shadows as he guides you home.

"I'm so lost! Papa is going to be so mad when I get home late-"

Click, click, click

"Huh? Oh! A map! That's...oddly lucky..."

And what about the person who lost track of you? Well that's exactly it, what about them? As far as he's concerned they no longer exist. Their name is erased from this planet, along with their body. They are nothing more than ash in the wind now.

"Sir, have you seen Darin? Hasn't been around since last week"


"Darin? You hired him for a few jobs?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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