My Opinions On Each Ship

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This is just for fun. I've been kinda stressed lately and felt like maybe just having some fun giving my opinions!

There will be no mention of Pyro because I prefer to keep them away from romance

This list is from least favorite to most favorite so strap in!

Sniper x Soldier - 0/10

I honestly don't even know what to say about this one

Heavy x Scout - 0/10

Ew, no, why the fu- no. Heavy is scout's uncle alright.

These two be fucking with each other but not that way. More like an 'i swear to god ill murder you if you touch that-' 'haha I touched it! Whatcha gonna do?' Kinda way.

Age difference. Age difference

Soldier x Scout - 0/10


Scout x Engie

Also no

Medic x Scout - 0/10

Nope. No. Nadda. Medic wants this boy dead. Scout has to be one of Medic's pet peeves. A constantly curious, nosy, incompetent 'child' that doesn't understand the words 'don't touch that'? No way in hell.

Demo x Spy - 0/10

I honestly don't know how these two would even get to become friends. They seem like they'd only tolerate each other, especially since Spy's taste is more classy.

Heavy x Spy - 1/10 would that even...I don't see it at all. They are completely different people and not in the opposite attract kinda way, they are on completely different moral compasses.

Maybe time chilling in the smoking-room reading???

I honestly don't know how anyone could see these two together.

Spy x Soldier - 2/10?

Okay so I've only heard of this ship recently, and I was so very caught off guard. Of all the ships y'all choose these two? Why? I don't understand. I mean aesthetically I get it. Gruff, battle-hardened military man and sleek, sneaking assassin find unexpected love. But like in reality it's sorta not like that. They'd hate each other to the bone, and I'm pretty sure they do. I mean Spy going for the least classy, least subtle, and loudest member of the team? Not likely.

Medic x Spy - 3/10

I feel like they'd have more hatred for each other than actual care.

I mean Medic literally kept a Spy head in his fridge. You don't just stare at something like that every day without some form of hatred for it.

That being said, there could be a sort of fatal attraction sort of thing. A forbidden romance where they kill each other but y'know, in a sexy way. But I really don't think they'd be a good ship.

Sniper x Spy - 4/10

Wait hold up I can explain, don't murder me yet.

Now I understand the whole enemies to lovers thing and how they're both brooding and silent and god just so dramatic-

And they're obviously close, seeing as Spy told Sniper about Scout being his kid, but I just kinda don't vibe with it. I kinda see it more as a they really only talk to eachother because they know the other is going to keep their mouth shut.

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