Medic x Winged Reader ~ Meine Liebe (Oneshot)

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WARNING: This story is kinda really cheesy and old...also body issues and gore...


You stood in the bathroom looking at yourself in the mirror. Disgust was a common feeling when you were in this scenario. You had just gotten out of the shower and, with soaked hair and wings fully out, you were exposed. You held an anger in your soul. Why did you have to be cursed with such a horrid appearance? You would be just fine if it weren't for the large, feathered wings that hung by your had tried to cut them off before...they only grew back twice as big. Not to mention how painful it was. It was like losing a leg. As you stared at yourself you heard the familiar sound over the intercoms.

"A RED SPY IS IN THE BASE!" You leaped at the sound. You quickly threw on your uniform. Blue pants, blue sneakers, a blue shirt and coat and a large pack that covered your whole back. In the pack you carried emergency medical supplies, ammo, spare weapons and a nice place to put the intel and run it back. If it wasn't already obvious, you were a walking supply stash. While the bag immensely helped your team, it also made the large lump on your back almost unnoticeable. This was also helped by your baggy clouthing...but you were forgetting one very crucial armor piece...your wing protectors. You see, no one knew of your curse, nor did you want anyone to find out. Not only for what they would say about you, but because you wanted to live without them. You wanted to be normal...So, during battle you would wear a metal plating that prevented your wings from being hurt. This would keep you from having to see Medic after the battle and revealing such things to him...but you had forgotten didn't notice until you had left your room and the men rushed you along. You knew you couldn't fight this one...not with the chance of having to face Medic with your large burden. So you slipped away. You started walking down halls you were sure a spy would have no reason to be walking down...You thought that at were proven wrong...You didn't take care to the smell of cigarettes and wine since you were passing spy's room. And through the yelling in the distance you couldn't hear the very quiet footsteps behind you. Then it happened. You were pinned, face first into the wall. In the process he took off your bag full of weapons and shoved the knife into a key part of your wing. You let out a loud scream which he wasn't expecting since usually when he stabbed someone in that spot they died imminently. He took note of the fact that you didn't have your armor on. He stabbed again in confusion but all that did was make you let out another scream of pain...then again...then again...each time a screech came from your mouth. Then came the man you had avoided since moving here...the Medic...he and a few others heard your screams. They came running at the sound, but Medic was running faster than he ever had before. The men looked in confusion and wondered why, this of all times, he decided to run so fast. Medic made it there before the other men could even come close. Once he saw the situation he grew a grim and terrifying look on his face. He pulled out his saw and ran at the same speed towards Spy. Spy, caught in his confusion, didn't notice until it was too late. He tried to run but only got halfway down the hall. Medic tackled him to the ground and brutally hit away at Spy with no mercy. Blood sprayed in every direction. Your knees soon buckled as you fell to the ground due to a loss of blood. When he heard the sound of you hitting the ground he stopped. Spy was beyond dead at that point. He turned around and saw that a crimson puddle laid at your feet. He quickly stood up and ran to you. He knelt down.

"Scheisse..." He gently grabbed your shoulders and shook you
"(Y/n)! Stay vith me!...ok.....bleeding!.......heavy....." As the image became blurry you faded into unconsciousness. The sound around you became dull and echoed until you didn't hear anything at all. Medic looked to you with increasing concern.

"Hurry! Pick her up! Ve have to hurry!" Heavy picked you up, careful of your wounds. Then he felt something moving underneath your clothing.


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