Being Apart For A Month (Imagine)

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As Friends

Engie has always been kinda attached to the people he cares about. Not to the point where he'd sulk about it, he's a grown-ass man after all, but he still doesn't like separation. So when you told him you'd be gone on a mission for a month he was kinda bummed out. He was there to say goodbye to you though and wished you luck. He was able to distract himself with his work but every now and again he'd just sit with a drink and wonder if you were alright. When you came back he was at the door ready to greet you. He asked how everything went and spent the whole night hanging out with you.

'Hm...wonder how Y/ns doin...'

As A Couple

Now he could handle being gone from friends, it came with the job, but letting go of you now was a lot harder. On the outside he was alright with it. He was smiling, wishing you luck and of course giving you a hug and a kiss before you left. The moment you left however, he was racked with worry. What if you got hurt, killed even! What if you didn't come back! What if you get kidnapped! Tortured! What if- just way too many what-ifs. He tried to distract himself with work but that only helped for so long. At one point he got so drunk that even Demo was concerned. When you came back he went right back to normal. He gave you a rather long hug once you came in and began pampering you. Want a drink? He was on it. A massage? Sure. To be left alone for a bit?...

Maybe not that one...

That night you two went to bed early and he was quick to encase you in his arms, not wanting to ever let go again. You heard all the stories of his worry the next morning from Medic. You then decided that on your next trip you should probably find a way for him to join you...

"Good luck sugarpea!"

"Thanks, love you Dell!"

"Love ya too sweetheart!"


"...ah really hope you stay safe..."


As Friends

Pyro didn't understand it at first. When you told them you were leaving for a month they just kinda nodded along and went with it...then you just 'mysteriously' disappeared! They went panicking to Engie and Engie spent the first hour of his day calming them down and trying to explain what happened. Pyro spent the rest of the month sulking around and looking bored. They didn't want to really do anything and just kinda went into 'bleh' mode. Engie was the only one that could get them to feel even a little better but even then they weren't as energetic as they usually were. The moment Pyro saw that you were back they put you in a very tight hug and became extremely giggly. They followed you around like a lost puppy for the rest of the day, refusing to leave your side for a single moment, not even for a piece of Engies signature apple pie.

"Pahro, you feelin alright?"

"Hu huh hudda hud...(I'm fine Engie...just really bored...)"

" ya wanna go start a bonfire-"

"HUH (YES!)"

As a C̶o̶u̶p̶l̶e̶  (BEST FRIEND!)

There was no way even if hell froze over that Pyro would let you leave without them and the trip you had to take was you had to be sneaked out. Pyro once again freaked out when you were missing but this time it was full panic. They were flipping couches, burning chairs, and just generally making a mess trying to find you. It took the whole team restraining them and explaining before they calmed down. The next month consisted of them either just staring blankly at a wall or sitting in a corner sobbing. Not even Engie could pull them out of their depressed state this time. Pyro waited at the front door for you to come back whenever they didn't have to do anything. The moment Pyro saw your car pulling up they nearly got themself run over trying to get to you. They yanked you out of the car and gave you one the tightest hugs you've ever received. They started letting out muffled sobs as they tried to scold you from under their mask. You knew this would happen so, to make it up to Pyro, you had bought a giant balloonicorn. There was absolutely no way they could be mad after getting such an amazing gift. Pyro did, however, refuse to let you leave their sight for a whole week, even in battle. You let Pyro have their way. You kinda felt bad that you had upset them and, due to how much trouble they had caused while you were gone, the administrator learned her lesson about sending you on missions without them.

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